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Showing posts from January, 2012

Chapter II (31 -53)

\ स्वधर्ममपि चावेक्ष्य न विकम्पितुमर्हसि । धर्म्याद्धि युद्धाच्छ्रेयोsन्यत्क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते ॥ ३१ ॥ Looking at your own Dharma, you ought not to waver, for there is nothing highcr for a Kshatriya, than righteous war. (II - 31) Arjuna was a Kshatriya.  The basic duty of a Kshatriya is to protect the state, people, the wise elders and the values.  War is an inevitable part of his duty.  Ever preparedness for a war is a Kshatriya’s characteristics.  We may find it difficult to comprehend the concept in our modern times.  Martial skills like Judo, Karate, Rifle shooting, Archery etc. are of course being taught.  The learners are mostly motivated merely by various competitions and the prizes and not social responsibility.  Nevertheless, courage, bravery, fearlessness in recieving and delivering blows, adventurous mindset, fighting spirit and refusal to budge out, are the qualities invariably found in those who opt to learn thes...