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Chapter IX (16 - 34)

\ अहं   क्रतुरहं   यज्ञ :  स्वधाहमहमौषधम्  । मन्त्रोsहमहमेवाज्यमहमग्निरहं   हुतम्  ॥ १६  ॥ पिताहमस्य   जगतो   माता   धाता   पितामह :  । वेद्यं   पवित्रमोङ्कार   ऋक्साम   यजुरेव   च   ॥   १७   ॥ गतिर्भर्ता   प्रभु :  साक्षी   निवास :  शरणं   सुहृत्  । प्रभव :  प्रलय :  स्थानं   निधानं   बीजमव्ययम्   ॥   १८   ॥ I am the Kratu, I the Yagna, I the Swadha, I the Aushadham, I the Mantra, I the Ajyam, I the fire, and I the Oblation.    I am the Father of the world, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather;    the Purifier, the (one) thing to be known, the (syllable) Om, amd also the Rg, Saama and Yajus.    The Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the Refuge, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Substratum, the Storehouse, the Immutable Seed. (IX – 16, 17, 18) Even mundane worldly activities demand total focussing of mind and lack of it results in failure.    Then, is it OK to perform Divine activities like Yagya etc. merely as ritual, mechan