ॐ PHRASES IN THE GITA (8) समत्वं योग उच्यते (अध्याय २ - श्लोक ४८) ஸமத்வம் யோக உச்யதே (அத்யாயம் 2 - ஸ்லோகம் 48) Samatvam Yoga Uchyate (Chapter 2 - Shloka 48) Meaning : They say, "Yoga is Equilibrium, or balance". The phrase is simple and self-explanatory. Two words are significant. Samatvam and Uchyate. Uchyate means 'they say'. "The wise men say"; "The elders say". Shri Krishna has the qualification to declare an idea. (So many among, petty personalities shout at the top of our voice that, "I say this".) We also may agree to Shri Krishna's declaration under the influence of His 'personality'. But Shri Krishna prefers to use such terms as 'they say'; 'in my opinion';. That requires a humbler personality. Balance is desired in every worldly ventures. Imbalance, or lop-sidedness, is not welcome. The budget was balanced. That means, it does not favour any one section of the po...
राम गोपाल रत्नम्