: – Veda Mantras start with the sound
‘Atha’ . This term also denotes Shri
Ganesha . In the Gita , beginning of a
chapter is indicated by the phrases ‘Atha Prathamodhyaayah’ ; ‘Atha Dwiteeyodhyaayah’,
etc. Iti is the term indicating
conclusion .
(I - 1) : – It is impossible to express
the term Dharma, through a single word in English .
is that which sustains creation and all lives .
The Cow , Brahmin , Vedas , Noble women , the Truthful , non-greedy men and the
large-hearted men who share , are the seven which sustain this world .
Manu Smriti
defines Dharma in these words .
Dhritih Khamaa
Damoasteyam Shauchamindriyanigrahah
Satyamakrodhah dashakam Dharma lakshanam .
Dhruti ,
Kshamaa , Dama , Asteyam , Shaucham , Indriya Nigraham , Dhee , Vidya , Satyam ,
Akrodhah .. are the ten indicators of Dharma , according to Manu Smriti . (6 - 92) .
Dharma is a
potent weapon that can help men reach great heights in this and the next
worlds . Dharma is also a means to attain
Moksha or Ultimate Liberation (Budha Smriti) .
Trait or Character . Dharma is the basic trait due to which any
object is what it is . The character of
fire is heat . It no more remains fire ,
if heat is removed from it . The trait of
a stone is hardness . If hardness is
removed , it no more remains a stone .
Duty . In todays’s context , duty is that which is
thrust from outside and it comes with the job or profession we take up . In Hindu view , Dharma or duty is natural
responsibility and is accepted voluntarily .
It is not prescribed by law of the land .
Yet , one is expected to fulfill these duties . Putra dharma (duties of a son) , Pitru Dharma
(duties of a parent) , Acharya Dharma (duties of a teacher) , Kshatriya Dharma
(duties of a Kshatriya) , etc. are known words .
If a son does not fulfill Putra dharma , then he is a not a son . If a Kshatriya does not fulfill his duties ,
then he is not a Kshatriya . Thus duty
and trait are one and the same . Only with
the desired traits does one become a son , teacher or kshatriya etc.
Religion . To some extent , Dharma is also used to denote
Religion . Religion is defined by the
form worshipped , the book followed , the Prophet , the way of worship and the
place of worship . By that definition , Christianity and Islam are Religions.
Shaiva Dharma , Vaishnava Dharma , Bouddha Dharma , Jaina Dharma etc .
include these five and goes beyond these .
Thus Vaishnava is not merely a worshipper of Vishnu , but one who
nourishes qualities lke Love , Compassion etc.
Hindu Dharma , that encompasses all these individual paths is unconcerned
with Forms worshipped , books followed , methods of worship . Only the qualities prescribed and attitudes make a Hindu .
(I - 2) : – Teacher . The exact meaning of the word Acharya is not
teacher . It is one who follows and
inspires others to follow , one who treads the right path and guides students to
follow the same . (Yah Aacharati Sa Aacharya) Teachers of Vedas are usually
called Acharyas . Upadhyaya is one who
teaches recital of Vedas .
(I - 2) : – Close to or proximity to . This is not a whole word , but only a
prefix . Upavasam , Upanayanam ,
Upanishadam , Upaasana , Upanyaasam , etc. are some of the familiar words . Vasam is ‘to stay’ . Upavasam is ‘to stay in proximity to
God’ . Upavasam is not mere fasting . Being close to God , being immersed in His
thoughts , one forgets hunger and food . Staying
close to God is primary activity and fasting is natural secondary
activity . Ceremony of wearing the Sacred thread is called Upanayanam . Upanayanam
literally means ‘travel closer to Guru’ .
Hence , the ceremony has to be followed by learning of Vedas . That is primary . Ceremony with reception , gifts , music ,
vediography , not followed by learning Veda is mere skeleton . Upanishad is that which builds conviction of
God , that which takes you closer to God .
It is also called Vedanta , the portions in the end of Veda . Although whole of Veda is on God , there are
also many rituals described therein .
Upanishads are essence of ideas on God .
(I -3) : – Student is the direct
meaning . Literally , Shishya is one who
accepts and follows voluntarily all the regulations and disciplines of a
teacher . Learning is not primary . The greater the student’s determination and
the quicker his ability to grasp and follow the thoughts and words of the Guru ,
more effecient and deeper are his learning and transformation . The English word ‘Disciple’ is also rooted in
‘discipline’ . Discipline is the primary
trait of a disciple . The regulations and
disciplines in a Gurukulam and those of Brahmacharya (studentship) are
tough . A shishya is one who heartily
accepts and follows these . That is why
Upanayanam is conducted at an age of seven or earlier and the boy sent to a
Gurukulam , before he is introduced to worldly comforts and pleasures . Upanayanam means ‘to be taken closer to
Guru’ . Upanayanam , the thread wearing
ritual is only to make him a good ‘shishya’ .
The stories of great disciples like Upamanyu can not be understood if
this idea of Shishya is not grasped .
Dwija (I - 7) : – Twice born . ‘Ja’ is a suffix indicating ‘birth’ . ‘Jalaja’ is ‘born in water’ . ‘Pankaja’ is born in ‘dirty
surroundings’ . ‘Anuja’ is ‘born next’ . ‘Dwi’ is ‘twice’ and thus ‘dwija’ is ‘born
twice’ . First birth is bodily
birth . Second is ‘reaching a Guru in an
effort to gain Knowledge’ . This term
applies equally to three varnas , the Brahmins , Kshatriya and Vaishya . But , in practise , this term is used only to
denote Brahmins .
Vriddha (I - 12) : – The mature . ‘Old man’ is a word that denotes physical
age , age of the body . A Sanatana Hindu
enters Brahmacharya ashrama in tender age , studies , enters Grihasthashrama ,
marries , experiences pleasures , then gradually snaps ties with the world and
enters Vanaprastham . Thus , he not only
grows old but also matures . Hence , he is
known as Vriddha .
Words in a language speak of the culture in the
society speaking the language . ‘Old man’
is a word of abuse in society which regards sensual pleasures as everything . ‘Old man’ is another word for a man who is
unable to experience sensual pleasures . No one wants to become an ‘old man’ , at least ,
none wants to be known as one . Everyone
desires to flaunt his youth . Discoveries
from false teeth to hair dyes , silicon pads to viagra are products to satiate this
desire .
Words in Samskrit reflect Hindu philosophy . Vriddha is a respectful word for the
old aged . Vriddha indicates a man , who having
experienced worldly pleasures , knows what is right and wrong and resolves to
renounce the wrong and travel on the right path . Auvaiyaar, Aadi Shankara and Tirugnaana
sambandhar became Vriddha at a very young age .
There are also examples like Yayati who refuse to become Vriddha even at
ripe old age . Most old men in the modern
world fall in this catagory .
Shankha (I - 12) : – Conch . This is an important instrument in
worship . All forms of God hold a Shankha
(conch) in their hands . Shankha is
Divine . Shankha is used for performance
of Abhishekam on forms of God . The sound
of Shankha is regarded Divine and a purifying effort . Shankha Dhwani is raised (conch is blown) on
every auspicious occassion and when death occurs . Aadi Shankara used the Shankha to reconvert
Buddhist converts back to Sanatana Vedik religion . Initially , he argued with Buddhist Gurus , won
over them and reconverted their followers by chanting Mantra in their
ears . When the numbers increased , he
sprinkled Ganga water and all those receiving a drop were deemed to be
reconverted . When masses gathered , Shri
Shankara blew a conch and everyone who heard the Shankha Dhwani were deemed to
be reconverted . Modern scientific
observation confirms that Shankha Dhwani kills microbes and bacterias and
purifies air . As warfare is also Dharma ,
Shankha dhwani has been rised on the battlefield .
Dhwaja (I - 20) : – Dhwaja is
flag . All the God forms have
dhwaja . Dhwaja and Dhwaja-stambha (flag
and flag-post) have prominent place in every temple . On every important occassion in a temple ,
first the Stambha is worshipped and flag hoisted and then begins the
ceremony . During temple visit , Dhwaja is
to be viewed first (Dhwaja darshan) and then the Sanctum Sanctorum is to be
visited . In a temple , Namaskar or
prostrating is performed not to the deity alone but also to the Dhwaja-stambha .
There is a practise among the Hindu families
settled in Africa and West-Indies of hoisting a flag atop a bamboo pole planted
in the front . They offer worship to the
flag daily and there is a special annual worship . There is a beautiful background for this
practice . Hindus were taken to Africa
and West Indies islands during 1856 -1890 as slaves or indentured labour . God is the center of Hindu life . “Do not live in a town that has no
temple” . That has been Hindu’s life
principle . He was uprooted from his
beautiful village and dumped in sheds in bamboo woods . He had to live with bare minimum facilities
and in minimum space . To have a temple
nearby , was a natural desire in him . He
cleaned space around a bamboo and started worshipping the bamboo , regarding it
as temple Gopuram . Bonded labour (Hindu)
is in dilemna . Place is alien . The boss professes a different religion and
wants to convert the Hindu labour into Christianity , by any means . He has to find time for his God in a day of
16 to 18 hours duty . So , he made it a
practise to be in the bamboo woods after 11 in the night . It was a bamboo in others’ eyes , while it was
verily a temple in the Hindu’s eyes . In
due course , he hoisted a saffron flag atop the bamboo , installed a hand-made
clay idol at the base . By the time he
was liberated from slavery , each of his secret worship sites was a full fledged
temple . Now , in South Africa one would
find dozens of Hindu temples , 120 to 140 years old . The practise of installing a bamboo with a
flag atop near the front door and worshipping it , continues till date .
(Hindu in Arabic states is in a similar
situation today . He is also a
slave . It may be said that he has
volunteered into this slavery . He has
created hundreds of , nay thousands of , worship sites , secretive and
semi-secretive . If on any day , by
remotest chance , religious freedom is declared in Arabia , all these sites will
spring up into huge temples overnight .
Religious freedom ?? In Arabia ???
I hear you heckling . We do not
know what is in store in future .)
A king is regarded verily as God and hence , he
also has a flag . All the Hindu kings had
Saffron flag , with different symbols .
Dhwaja is also carried by Sannyaasis .
Sannyaasis lead a life close to God .
They remind us of God . This
dhawaja is called Dharma Dhwajam .
Yagya was most prominent activity in ancient
Bharat . Yagya shala or the site of Yagya
was the nerve center of society . There
were no temples in those times . In due
course , temples replaced Yagya shalas .
Flags in shape and colour of fire flames found their place on temple
tops .
Priya (I - 23) : – Likes . This term reminds us of the continuous inner
conflict in a man . Which of the two
should I choose - Priya or Shreya ? That
which I like or that which is good ? Man
usually chooses that he likes . In this
shlokam , Arjuna wishes to see those who support Duryodhana because they like
him . If they had opted for good , they
should have supported Yudhishtira .
Uttanapada , father of Dhruva had two wives . Suniti was Dhruva’s mother and the second
wife was Suruchi . Niti is that which is
right and is greater . Ruchi is taste or
like . Uttanapada , an ordinary man
discards Suniti and keeps Suruchi by his side .
Usually , human mind does not prefer the right . It prefers to chase its likes , even when it
those are harmful .
Manas (I - 30) : – Mind may not be the exact translation of the Manas . All of us feel
Manas . Manas is very close to us . Yet , it is not known and properly understood
by most of us . In this life as a human ,
this gross , physical body is an instrument , provided to us . This is made of five basic elements . It has five organs of Gyaana (knowledge) and
five organs of Karma (action) . The other
body is subtle one (Sookshma shareera) and Manas is an organ or instrument of
the subtle body . Buddhi , Chitta and
Ahankara are the other instruments of the subtle body . These are called ‘Antahkarana’ or the instruments
within .
‘Manaschanchalamasthiram’ (VI - 26) and
‘Pramaathi balavad drudham’ (VI - 34) says Gita about Manas . The manas is restless and unstable . Manas is obstinate and has brutal
strength . It is the Manas which
experiences pain and pleasure , honour and insult , repute and disrepute , fame
and notoriety , like and dislike , affection and contempt , worry , depression and
enthusiasm and every other emotion . It
is the Manas which regards the non-existant as existant and the other way . It is the Manas which refuses to accept and
tries to wish away glaring but bitter truths .
It desires repetition of pleasurable experiences . It also wishes to avoid unpleasant ones . Manas is unconcerned by the effects , if
beneficial or otherwise . The Manas
incites man to passionate action .
Extra-ordinary acts , dare devilry , heinous acts , exemplary acts etc . are
all acts incited or motivated by Manas .
The Gita insists on equilibrium , a state unconcerned and unaffected by
the pairs of opposites . Spiritual
practise should result in ‘Mano-nasham’ or extinction of Manas and lighting up
the Buddhi .
Shreyas (I - 31) : – That which is
right or that which will result in good .
Jeevan mukti or Liberation is Shreyas for Human lives . Personality that refuses to chase likes and
favourables , thinks and applies discretion and opts for Shreyas (that which
will result in good) is greater . Dhruva
was a five years old child . He was
refused access to his father’s lap . He
returned crying to his mother Suniti .
Suniti was a great mother who showed him the Shreyas path . That her son is only five years old , that she
herself is separated from her husband and the child is her only solace ,
mattered her least . If these thoughts
had dominated her , she would have picked up the crying child , held him close to
her bosom and tried to console him with kisses and tears . Such an act is soothing and likeable . We would have been deprived of a Dhruva , had
she done that . Suniti is the best
example of a great mother . She motivates
him to meditate , shows him the road to forests and blesses him for successful
sojourn on the path towards Divine .
Arjuna in Mahabharata was sad on the battlefield . He announce his disinclination to fight the
war . He piles up arguments to
rationalize his thinking . Shri Krishna
refuses to budge . Shri Krishna shows him
the Shreyas path by divulging the Gita .
Aatataayina (I - 36) : –
Terrorist . Arjuna uses this term
to describe Duryodhana and his brothers .
Vashishta Smriti defines a terrorist as one who ‘burns down assets ,
poisons and kills , possesses and does not hesitate to use deadly weapons , loots
money , forcibly encroaches on land and abducts women’ . The news magazines today use two words ,
extremism and terrorism in the same context .
Extremism is abnormal behaviour .
An extremist need not be a terrorist .
Paapa (I - 36) : – Mahabharatha
defines Paapa or sin as ‘Paapaaya para peedanam’ . Harming other lives is Paapa . The two words , Paapa and Punya , have kept
Hindu society on right track for thousands of years . These have clarified a Hindu’s purpose in
life . ‘Accumulate Punya and avoid
paapa’ . That has been a simple guideline
for a Hindu’s life . Hindu society has
been least criminal and has required minimum policing , thanks to these two
words . This is more glaring in countries
where Hindus have settled for a couple of centuries . Police officers posted in Hindu settlements
feel relaxed and peaceful .
Paapa is very subtle and difficult to
grasp . We may regard an action as Punya ,
but it may be harming some other life and hence Paapa . Visiting a temple and standing in front of
the deity may be regarded as Punya . But ,
this act may obstruct view of the deity to another person . Annadanam , Pooja etc . may seem to be Punya
karma . But , these very acts may be
hindrance to someone else , and hence Paapa karma . An act may be Punya , but the thought behind
may be Paapa . That is why , texts have
not listed Paapa karma and Punya karma .
Each one of us has to determine the nature of our actions .
Lobha (I - 38) : – Greed or
avarice . Greed is discontent in present
status and thirst to have more . This is
one of the six enemies of a man , potent enough to cause his fall . Greed stills thinking faculty , blinds inner
vision (discretion) . The greedy does not
use the things he accumulates . He just
enjoys the act of accumulation . He
spends more time on counting money than spending it . He gets happy with addition and sad with
depletion .
Chetasa (I - 38) : – An awakened
mind . A mind that knows Sat and Asat and
chooses Sat. Jada and Chetana are
opposite words and opposite expressions .
Jada or Achetana is a state of inertia , lifeless state . Then , Chetana that which is alive ,
conscious . The Manas plunged sensual
pleasures is intoxicated or unconscious .
Chetasa or Conscious Manas is that which has realized the transient
nature and unworthiness of sensual pleasures .
Sanaathana (I - 40) : –
Eternal . That which has always
been and will always be . The world is
ever changing . It is perishable . Anything that appeared has to disappear . Anything that was formed has to be
destroyed . The Truth is eternal . It never changes . It never perishes . Another name for Hindu Dharma is Sanathana
Dharma , because it professes the eternal truth .
Varnam (I - 41) : – Colour is the
direct meaning . But , here the term is
used to denote shades in human society . There
are three basic colours in printer’s view .
Rest are all various shades and combinations of these three . Similarly , there are four basic Varna in
human society . These are Brahmin ,
Kshatriya , Vaishya and Shoodra . Brahmin
is the thinker , the teacher , the innovator .
Kshatriya is the fighter , ruler , protector . Vaishya is the producer , trader . Shoodra is the follower , assistant or servant . This explanation may tempt one to conclude
that these are divisions based on professions .
Differentiation is based more on attitude or temperament . Brahmin is thinker . Buddhi is the dominant factor in him . Khatriya is fighter . Strength is dominant factor in him . Purusha Sukta aptly describes this . ‘Brahmin is born from my Head . Kshatriya is born out of my shoulders . Belly is the primary cause for all production
activities and trade . Vaishya works for
filling up own belly and also of all others .
Hence Vaishya , according to Purusha Sukta , is born out of Viraata
Purusha’s stomach . Our legs are our
humblest servants . Humilty and service
attitude are characteristics of legs .
Hence , Shudras are born out of His feet , according to Purusha
Sukta . On hearing this , there rises an
instant outcry of discrimination and exploitation . These divisions are based on ‘high and low’
and hence discriminatory . Nature is full
of variations and differences . It is
human folly that he attributes ‘superior and inferior’ tags to these
differences . Rejection of and refusal to
acknowledge the differences in Nature ,
in the name of opposition to discrimination on the basis of high and
low , is either childish ignorance or brutal arrogance . The Nature is least bothered and She
continues to manifest differences . The
four varnas are prominent in humans , but also found in animal and plant worlds .
Pinda Udaka (I - 42) : –
This is a word unique in Hindu dictionary . Pinda is ball of cooked rice and Udaka is
water and are offered to ancestors .
‘Human life is not an one-time affair .
Human is not merely the body .
Aatman dwells in the body and empowers the body . Body is perishable . Aatman is Imperishable . Death is only of the body and is not an end
of human life . The Aatman carries on and
is reborn in a new body .’ This is basic
Hindu thought . Many words and practices
have sprung out of this thought . Our
ancestors have not died . They have
merely left the body and will return to this world taking a body suitable to their
Vasanas . Hence , it is our duty to feed
them . Pinda is the food offered to
them . How will this reach them ? A person in Bharat wanting to send money to
someone in America , merely deposits Rupees and properly fills up the requisite
forms . The person in America receive s
the money in dollars . This is somewhat
similar . Pinda (ball of cooked rice) and
Udaka (water) offered to the elders reach them and satiate their hunger . That is the Shraddha or faith among Hindus .
Jaathi (I - 43) : – Literal meaning is ‘birth’ , but is more commonly used to
denote ‘caste’ . Jaathi is the social
system evolved out of the idea of Varna .
Today , Jaaathi is seen as a factor that divides society . What we see today is a decayed version of what
it was . The bases of Varna are ‘quality
(Guna) and occupation (Karma) and not birth or family . Inertia or tendency to remain in the current
status being a major factor in any society , birth became the basis for
classification and gradually , Varna was replaced by Castes (Jaathis) . ‘Truth remains and the super structure
perishes’ . This is Law of Nature . Jaathi Vyavastha will be eliminated in due
course but Varna Dharma will live on .
Narakam (I – 42, 44) : –
Every action has an effect . That
is the basic tenet of Karma philosophy .
Benevolent acts (Satkarma) result in soothing and pleasant effect and
wrong , sinful acts (Dushkarma) result in painful effect . Pain and pleasure in other worlds are
manifold than in this material world . We
leave our gross physical body at the time of death and carry along our subtle
body . We get ‘Yatana Deha’ only to
experience the punishments in Naraka .
Its speciality is that the tortuous experiences in Naraka , though
painful , do not destroy and decay this body .
Bhagawat mentions twenty eight types of Naraka and the punishments meted out in
those .
Sr No
Name of the
Type of
sinful act
of other’s wife and children; extraction of money.
will be hunger but no food; thirst but no water; subjected to whipping.
others to protect wife and children; adultery.
into dark well; loss of memory.
on animals.
sought by those animals in the form of frightening serpents named Ruru.
violence on innocent animals.
serpents bite, tear and eat him.
foul smelling spoiled food; killing animals for flesh.
in boiling oil.
Parents, Brahmins and the Veda.
over red hot charcoal; Suffers hunger and thirst.
the Veda. Conversion to other pompous Religions.
runs into bushes to avoid whipping; pierced by deadly thorns. Faints in pain.
punishment to an innocent.
is crushed between giant gears.
flies, mosquitos, etc.
in a dark corner full of flies and mosqiotoes.
alone without sharing.
into a dry well full of worms and insects . Worms are his food and his body is
food for the worms .
Stealing ,
Extortion .
pierced by red hot , sharp needles .
married persons having bodily relation with with other men/women.
to embrace red hot iron statues ; men have to embrace female statue and vice
versa .
kantaka shalmali
with animal lives.
to lie on bed of deadly thorns and dragged on a rough and bumpy ground .
and unjust rulers .
is a river flowing around all the Narakas .
It is full of urine , human waste , hair , flesh , pus and bones . It has wild animals . Bitten by the animals , has to remain floating
on this river .
with a good wife forgetting her and relating with many women .
thrown into Pooyodham , a sea with disgusting , foul smell .
keeping dog and donkey ; Brahmin hunting animals .
assistants of Yamaraj shoot arrows on him . He falls on bed of arrows .
Yagya for pomp and show .
and cut by assistants of Yamaraj .
under influence of lust marrying woman from same Gotra .
thrown into a well called Laalaapam , filled with fluid of sperm .
activities like burning down properties , poisoning water sources , heavy and
unjustified taxation .
hundred twenty dogs chase, grab and tear the body .
testimony in court ; frauds in business ; adulteration ; going back on promise
of donation .
from heights on hard rocks and the body shatters into pieces .
consumption by Brahmins and men who have adopted religious disciplines .
glass is poured into their mouths .
of education , knowledge and character .
upside down and tortured .
Murder ,
human sacrifice , consumption of human flesh.
animals tear him with their claws and eat his flesh .
piercing and torturing animals ; tying thread to insects and make them fly or
run ;
is seated on pointed edge of spear and also pecked by birds .
and torment animals ..
by five headed , seven headed snakes .
animals and birds in dark cages and torture .
suffocation in deep dark wells with poisoneous gases .
at arrival of guests .
into pieces and eyes plucked by sharp beaked birds .
and arrogance of wealth ..
to pieces and stiched by sharp needles again and again .
These are the
more important ones . There are thousands
of other Narakas . There may be as many
Narakas as there are crimes . A Jeeva
eliminates its accumulated sins in Naraka and returns to this mortal world . It gets another opportunity to travel towards
the Paramaatman .
22. Kshema (I - 46) : –
Two words , Yoga and Kshema always come together . Yoga is to get what is essential and ought to
be got . Kshema is to preserve , retain ,
protect or nourish that which is got .
23 . Shoka (I - 47) : - Grief .. a state of Manas or mind ..
23 . Shoka (I - 47) : - Grief .. a state of Manas or mind ..
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