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Chaturmaasya Vratham

Upavaasam is not mere fasting. Vaasam is to stay and the prefix Upa means near or in close proximity. Upavaasam is thus to stay in proximity of the Divine. Engrossed in Divine thoughts, food and sleep are forgotten. Thus fasting and keeping awake is a by-product of Upavaasam.
Similarly, Vratham or Vratha Bandham is to bind self with restrictions or disciplines. Chaaturmaasya Vratham is one such Vratham. It is a four month long Vratham from Aashaada Dwaadashi to Ashwin Ekaadashi. (For some, it is from Poornima to Poornima of those respective months.) This period is rainy season in Bharat, Sannyaasis stay at one place and perform Spiritual discourses and worships during this period. It is not a Vratham only for Sannyaasis but for householders too. Householders follow restrictions on food and study scriptures. In Gujarat, I have seen families and student hostels following food restrictions during Chaaturmaasyam. Bhaagawatham is read and Bhaagawatha sapthaaha conducted at thousands of places in our Bharat during this period. Now a days, it is mostly Chatur Paksham (Four fortnights) and not Chatur Maasyam.
Sannyaasis roam around on foot, barefoot or on wooden footwear. Sanyaasi is personification of Love, love for all and hatred for none. Rainy season is a period when so any types of reptiles and insects come out of their hidings. There is every possibility of these lives being stamped to death by Sannyaasi, inadvertently though. Hence, Sannyaasis impose restrictions on their movement and camp at one place. The householders in that town are blessed with four months long Sat-Sang in august presence of the Sannyaasi. The Kanchi Seer Paramacharya used to criss cross through out the length and breadth of Bharat and camp for Chaturmaasyam at small towns like Patan and Alandi. The Kanchi Shankara Matham, (probably the other Shankara Mathams too) has a tradition of Bhashya Pathanam, or reading of Adi Shankara's commentries on various Upanishads, in holy presence of Shri Shankaracharya. I had a good fortune of being a participant in the small group on two occasions.
I do not wish to dwell on 'scientific' reason behind food restrictions for the house holder. These are mere suggestions. Hindu Dharma does not believe in issuing fatwaas or commands. (By coincidence, today is the day when Supreme Court has declared Fatwas as illegal) Hindu Dharma hands out suggestions. To implement those suggestions is left to the individuals. Vegetables are to be avoided in the first month, i.e. from Aashada Dwadashi to Shraavana Ekaadashi. Even Tamarind and chilli are to be avoided. Only cereals and pulses in food. Dahi and butter milk are to be avoided in the second month, i.e. Shraavana Dwaadashi to Bhadrapaada Ekaadashi. Milk is to be avoided in the third month, Bhadrapaada Dwaadashi to Ashwin Ekaadashi. Ghee and pulses are kept out of daily food in the fourth month, i.e. from Ashwin Dwaadashi to Karthik Ekadashi. It will be interesting and innovative exercise for mothers to prepare food following these restrictions. Especially in Tamil Nadu. Keeping tamarind, chiili and coconut out of food is almost unthinkable for mothers in Tamil Nadu. Finishing food without a serving of rice and Dahi or butter milk is a great challenge for most of us southerners. But, change is refreshing.
Swaadhyaaya or study of scriptures is mentioned as a Divine trait in the Gita. Most householders may find it very difficult to regularly study spiritual texts in their day-to-day 'hectic' life. Chaaturmaasya offers an opportunity for all to pursue swaadhyaayam. The whole family coming together and reading a chapter or even a single page from texts should cause strengthening of mutual relationships and better atmosphere in the family.
'Leading a life without any restriction' is the Mantra now a days, under the influence of western thinking. no restrictions on the child, no restrictions on girls, no restrictions on food and sleep timings, dress, and any other day to day affair. Imposing a few restrictions on self, by self, once a year at least, will definitely recharge Battery of Life.
{I have made humble efforts to observe Chathurmaasya Vratham from the year 2,000 when I entered family life. This year too, I propose to observe this great Vratham at Tiruvisainallur, on the banks of Kaveri. I propose to have discussions on The Gitaa in the evenings. I humbly extend invitation to all to be with us, at least for a day or two.}


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