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मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव ... (अध्याय १ - श्लोक १)
மாமகாஹ பாண்டவாஸ்சைவ ... (அத்யாயம் 1 - ஷ்லோகம் 1)
Maamakaah Paandavaaschaiva....(Ch I - Shloka 1)

These are words of Dhritharashtra, the blind King of Hastinapur, which mean - "My (sons) and Pandu's (sons)". Is Pandu someone from far off South Afrika or South Amerika?  Is he unrelated stranger to Dhritharashtra?  He is Dhritarashtra's own younger brother. But, Dhritarashtra talks in divisive language. To regard brother's children as 'Own children' is a practice of even a common man in Bharat. Dhritarashtra is a King. He is born in the great Bharatha Vamsha (clan).  He was fortunate to afford guidance by great Gyaanis and Rshis. In spite of all these, he speaks these words.

One's words are mere expression of his thoughts. Nay, the Bhavana, deep inside his Manas, finds way out as his words and actions.  (Words memorized and spoken consciously may succeed in hiding the Bhavana.)  The Bhavana is one's personality.  Feelings of "Mine" and "not Mine" dominate Dhritharashtra's personality.  In fact, this was the chief cause for Kurukshetra war and massive destruction.

"Hastinapur state is MINE.  I have rightful claim on the throne of Hastinapur. It was snatched by conspiracy.  My son Duryodhana will inherit Kingship of Hastinapur after me".

"Duryodhana is MINE. Whatever he does, however he acts, do not matter.  Persons against him are also my enemies."

But, Dhritarashtra was not so rude and atrocious as Duryodhana.  He was well aware of Dharma.  There was a permanent struggle within him between 'Dharma' and 'Moha' (the 'mine' feeling). He was weak. He could see the ill effects of his Moha as being Adharmik.  Yet, he could not take the side of Dharma and shirk off Moha. We normally do not get angry with the weak. The weak only generates 'pity' in us. Does any one get angry on a worm? (Remember!! The next time when you get angry on some one, you are perhaps regarding him as 'stronger' than you and self as weaker and helpless than him.)  That is the reason why readers of the Mahabharatha do not get angry on this character called Dhritarashtra.  They only pity him.  (Well, there may be another reason for not getting angry on him.  May be, we are in the same boat as he is, tossed around in this bitter struggle between Dharma and Moha, i.e. that which is right and that which we like.)


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