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सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये ... (अध्याय १ - श्लोक २१, २४ ; अध्याय २ - श्लोक १०.)
சேனயோருபயோர் மத்யே ... (அத்யாயம் 1 - ஸ்லோகம் 21, 24. அத்யாயம் 2 - ஸ்லோகம் 1௦).
Senayorubhayor madhye ... (Ch 1 - Shloka 21 & 24; Ch 2 - Shloka 10).

This phrase appears at three places in the Gita. In shloka 21 of Chapter 1, Arjuna speaks these words. On the other two occasions, Sanjaya speaks these words. Sanjaya is Charioteer of the blind king Dhritarashtra. He was blessed with Divine eyes by Shri Veda Vyasa and was narrating the scenes on the battlefield, Kurukshetra.

In shloka 21, Arjuna exhibits his enthusiasm for War, by raising his bow, the Kaandeeva. Upto this moment, he was eager to participate in the war. He was waiting for this moment. In fact, he was preparing self for moment.

He commands his charioteer Shree Krishna to drive the Chariot and station the same between the two armies. This shloka assures us that God is willing to become a servant to his devotee.

In shloka 24, Sanjaya says that, "Shri Krishna obeyed to the commands of His boss Arjuna and places the Ratha between the two armies". But, He does not stop at that. He Loves His devotee Arjuna. Arjuna is His dear friend. He wants to help Arjuna, as a friend. Arjuna carried on his shoulders, the whole burden of this battle. The Pandava Army relied totally on Arjuna for victory in this battle. Battle is an emotional event. Shri Krishna wanted to test if Arjuna's mind was strong enough to bear the emotional upheavals of a battle. Arjuna wanted to inspect the opposite army, but his friend Shri Krishna asks him to look at the members of Kuru Clan rallied in the two armies. Arjuna sees his own men on both sides and is suddenly dis-heartened, dis-enthused.

The phrase is used the shloka 10 of chapter 2 and is spoken by Sanjaya. Arjuna is in tears and has expressed his confusion. Now, Shri Krishna rises to the stature of a Guide, a Guru. He speaks the Gita to enthuse Arjuna, to eliminate sorrow and confusion and to transform him into a Yogi.
This phrase exposes an inherent weakness in Man. He appears enthusiastic, determined and strong this moment, but turns weak and confused the very next moment.

This phrase also expresses the Grace, Compassion and Love God has for His devotee. He is willing to do anything for His devotee, even become his servant. At the same time, He embraces His devotee with Love, compassionately protects him from falls and guides and elevates him. That is an assuring message from this phrase.


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