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व्यवसायात्मिका बुद्धिः एकेह | (अध्याय २ - श्लोक ४१)
வ்யவஸாயாத்மிகா புத்திஹி ஏகேஹ. (அத்யாயம் 2 - ஸ்லோகம் 41)
Vyavasaayaatmikaa Buddhihi Ekeha. (Chapter 2 - Shlokam 41)

Meaning : Single-mind succeeds in knowing Aatman or in reaching GOD. It may be the other way too. To know Aatman, single-mind is essential.

Single mindedness is a great quality. It ensures success in worldly pursuits and definite peace of mind in worldly life. But, that is hard to obtain. Normally, man has multi-branched mind. It wanders in so many directions. That results in scattering of his efforts and energy. That is also the reason for indecision in most men.

The mind comes up with so many suggestions while deciding even petty things like 'which dress to wear for an occasion' or 'which snack to order in an eatery'. We see men and women taking hours to purchase a dress or to choose one from dozens stacked in the shelf. It is a very common sight to see the waiter (server) in a hotel being asked to come after five minutes by indecisive customers. On occasions of physical sickness, the mind suggests infinite number of remedial courses, from home remedies to expert medical advice. Decision on the line of education to be pursued, career, holiday destination, religious practice to be followed, etc. etc. are few of so many occasions when the options offered by a multi-branched mind are multitudes.

Should all options or choices be destroyed in our pursuit for a Single - mind? Will non-availability of alternatives result in Eka Buddhi? Not knowing about alternatives may result in avoidance of branching of mind and hence peace of mind. That must have been the way primitive men lived. Interaction between various communities, diversity in Nature and creative attitude of man have given rise to discovery of infinite number of options in every aspect of human life.

Curbing availability of alternatives by oppressive external forces like Government, community etc. has also been tried. That has resulted in discontent, immoral activities, violence and bloodshed, definitely not Peace.

Single-mindedness is an internal revolution, rather evolution. Dress... Colourful alternatives are available but decision to wear only white; so many types of shining fabrics are available in market, but choose to wear simple Khadi (hand spun and hand woven cloth); many types of sweets and snacks are available in Hotel, but eat only to satiate hunger; single minded devotion to One form, one Guru and One religious practice; these are traits of 'Eka Buddhi'. (This is different from the view held by Abrahamic Religions. These also suggest devotion to One God, One Guide and One Prophet. But, these declare that anything else is Satanik, devilish and not true. On the other hand, the suggestion here is that, "Yes. There are many paths available, many others will be on those paths and every path is equally True but choose for yourself, pursue relentlessly and stick to One".)

Affiliation with sensual pleasures and physical comforts and chase of worldly objects like fame, power, wealth etc. will cause branching of mind. Pursuit of higher objectives, identification with wider identities like community, Nation, etc. will help in achieving Single mind, (Eka Buddhi).

Shri Albert Schwitzer (1875 - 1965) is a glaring example, I would like to place to clarify on 'Eka Buddhi'. He went to Afrika as a Christian priest and worked among many communities there for many years. When he was in his early thirties, he felt that Medical assistance was more essential to Afrikan communities than Biblical preaching. He entered Medical school, graduated as Doctor in six years and re-entered Afrika in his new role as a doctor. He must have faced severe opposition in the Church. He must have been offered luring opportunities to stay back in Germany, after he graduated. At an age of 40, probably he could have faced temptation of settling to a comfortable life at home. But, no. He had decided to take up Medical studies for Afrikan community and now, on becoming a doctor, his life will definitely be dedicated to the people in Afrika. No confusion. No branches in his mind to suggest alternatives. And he returned to Afrika. We may see this as a great decision. For him, with a single mind, this was a casual decision, so casual as breathing.

I know a student who wanted to see higher financial and social status and better days for his family, wrote medical entrance exams for six continuous years till he finally got admitted in a medical school.

I know a Sannyaasi who sought his father's permission to pursue path of Sannyaasa, when he was in his tenth class. Father refused asking him to finish his higher secondary. The son repeated his request after 12th exams. Father refused again, asking him to finish his graduation. The father must have thought his son would probably be diverted from his desire to become a Sannyaasi and would be lured into worldly life. But, no. The son was single minded. He requested his father to permit him. Father in a dilemma now, asked him to earn a seemingly huge salary, at least for two months, to get his permission. The son agreed and achieved the target within five years, resigned the job to become a Sannyaasee.

Eka Buddhi or single mind comes with birth, but spiritual practice accompanied by self introspection or under affectionate guidance by a Guru will definitely help in attaining Eka Buddhi, in the next birth if not in the present one.


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