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कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन (अध्याय २ - श्लोक ४७)
கர்மண்யேவாதிகாரஸ்தே மா பலேஷு கதாசன (அத்யாயம் 2 - ஸ்லோகம் 47)
Karmanyevaadhikaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachana (Chapter 2 - Shlokam 47)

Meaning :  You have right only to action, never to fruits of action.

This is a phrase which has been most discussed by followers and critics of Gita. Most know nothing more than this one pharse.

The first thing we must understand is that this is a statement by Shri Krishna. If we can grasp it, realize it, we'll be benefited. A statement does not need approval or agreement. When Newton declared that  there is a Gravitational pull binding the bodies and planets in the Solar system, he did not wait for your or my agreement and approval. He merely stated. Whether we agree or not is of no matter. Our agreement or otherwise is our own whimsical and fanciful ignorance.

Eva (Only) and Kadaachana (Never) are the key words. We have right only to Action. Never to Fruits.

Critics (We have plenty of them in Tamil Nadu) of Gita argue - You act but do not take the fruit of your action. You work but do not receive wages. You study, write exams but do not take the Degree / Certificate / Result card. You fight elections but do not become an MP or MLA. That is the absurd meaning of this shlokam. They are ignorant and half-baked in their knowledge of Gita. Even to become a Critic, you have to study and study in depth.

What does Shri Krishna mean?  The word 'Adhikar' can not be simply translated as 'Right'. It is much more than that. Words "Power, Control" also express, to some extent the meaning of the word 'adhikar'. We have power over our action. We can act. We have no power over its fruit.

Every action results in a 'Fruit'. You eat food. That is an action. Hunger is satiated. Food gets digested and supplies nourishment to your body. Remains are pushed out of the body, paving way for hunger again and food again. These are some of the results or fruits of you action of 'eating'. Now, 'eating' is in our hands, or within our power. Am I right? But, digestion? Do we have perfect control over 'digestion'? That depends on so many factors, many of those beyond our control; the way it was cooked, the ingredients used, our own body's health, and so on.

You  work. That is probably well in your control. But, wages? I know hundreds of families which faced sudden and harsh poverty because Dunlop in Nagpur and Madras Petro Chemicals in Chennai closed down. I am ready to work. I have the ability to work. I have the requisite knowledge and skill to work. I got an opportunity to work, through appointment. Work I did and assured myself that 'now, everything is settled'. But, due to factors, some visible and some invisible, factors over which I had no control, the company closed and everything became 'unsettled'.

You invest and that is well within your hands. Results? You do so many calculations. You do market research. You listen to the suggestions of experts. And then invest. Everything seems to be on track. But, (That always comes along). But, some ripples in some far off land, a manipulative scandal by a powerful person, a war, a disaster caused by Nature, or some disturbance in your own family... and the whole or part of your investment drowns. You have power to attribute causes, power to analyse why the results were not as expected or as desired. But, did not take the fruits of your action.

You purchase land and decide to do agriculture in a 'better way' not repeating mistakes of others. You carefully attend to every single detail. The crop is ready to be harvested. Everything looks fine. You will be taking home the harvest, the fruit of your labour the next day. There is downpour in the night. Or a communal clash or a strike and labour in requisite number is not available for harvesting. and so on. The whole or most of your cherished crop is lost.

You prepare for the examinations and prepare well. But, get unwell on the day of exams or there develops a small wound or bruise on your finger which slows down your writing. Or, You write the examinations and write well. But, the exams are cancelled because there was a 'question paper leak' or some higher official received cash for manipulating marks in the exams or some developments in other part of world which made this examination irrelevant.

There are so many factors that may affect Fruit or result of your action. These factors are beyond your control. You may not even see these factors developing. You have right to act. You have right only to act. If you wish, you may perform your action. Results? Definitely not in your control.

Efficiency of any action is directly proportional to the extent of Focus in mind while performing the action. A distracted mind is sure to reduce the efficiency of action. Thoughts on the results that may or may not arise out of this action are powerful enough to distract your mind and thus reduce efficiency of your performance. Obviously, it is wisdom to focus totally on action rather than desire and think of results 

Some may say I am being cynical. Some may even call Shri Krishna 'negative minded'. Why should one think of mishaps and disasters? The board at the Bike parking lot says, "Management is not responsible for damage to or theft of vehicles". Does it mean 'damage or theft is imminent? "Cigarette smoking may cause cancer" says the disclaimer on the cigarette packet. Does it mean every smoker is bound to be afflicted with cancer? 'Swim at your own risk' says the warning board at the beach. The Government can do nothing more than that. It is upto you to use your wisdom and act. Shri Krishna has spoken a 'Statement' and I have placed these possibilities in my bid to explain His statement to help you perform better and to save you from a possible 'heart break' in the event of a 'negative' fruit. The folly, if there is any, is in trying to explain His statement.

Planning a strategy is also an action and needs to be done. But, do not succumb to 'wishful thinking' or 'day dreaming'.

In fact, on a deeper analysis, even action is not YOUR OWN. You are not alone and unassisted in performing an action. So many other factors directly or indirectly assist you in performance of 'Your' action, even the silliest of action. In case of farming, for instance, producer of seeds, soil nutrients, farm equipments, labourers, the Sun, wind, the earthworm, etc. are also working with you, When action is not yours alone, how could the result be solely yours? In that sense, you never have RIGHT over result of 'Your Action'. (It may be wrong to say 'Your Action'.)

Usually, we regard the grosser, physical actions as actions and hence declare "I am performing the act". We do not feel, 'I am breathing'; 'I am digesting last night's food'; but feel 'I am doing business'; 'I am practicing as a Doctor'; 'I am cooking'; etc. Similarly we disassociate self and hence never feel, 'I am causing rainfall'; 'I am causing causing tremours in the Earth';. In fact, none of these actions is mine alone.

Then, what should I do? Perform the action and rest. Do your work passionately and dispassionately. Passionate for the work Dispassionate for the result!! Action, Action only. Conscious Action. Action with the whole focus. Action with the best in you.

Should I take the fruit or not? Yes. Shri Krishna does not suggest otherwise, as some critics would want us to believe. You may take your share of the fruit, not as a right, but as Divine Blessing or as Prasada. In our houses, long back we have seen our parents placing the 'salary packet' at the feet of the Lord, on the first of every month. The farmer dedicates the first bag of harvest to Him. The weaver offers the first cloth to Him. In our houses, the first 'handful' of food is His. Work, we must and take the salary as His blessing.

Why at all should this Idea be spoken of?
This attitude will help in more efficient action.
This idea will generate humility, that I am but a tiny speck and a part in creation.
This conviction will destroy arrogance, especially the arrogance on success.
Mind tuned to this attitude will definitely be more peaceful.
The society will be a better place to live a more harmonious life.

'Will this attitude not result in laziness and inaction?' some of you might be tempted to ask. By the same logic, 'Will not failure (to achieve desired fruit) result in laziness and inaction?" There is a second part to this phrase which dwells on this question. Wait for the next episode.


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