Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam (Chapter 2 - Shlokam 50)
யோகஹ கர்மஸு கௌஷலம் (அத்யாயம் 2 - ஸ்லோகம் 50)
Meaning : Efficient action is Yog.
This is second definition of Yog offered by Shri Krishna. Yog is Union, Union of Self with the Paramaatman. Any such 'other-worldly' pursuit tempts man to get away from actions. Arjuna also wanted to get away from the battlefield and stay alive resorting to Bhiksha (begging for food..). Shri Krishna puts forward various arguments to convince Arjuna to be in this world, continue with his duties, but with the mind of a Yogee.
We find every one talk of efficiency. The master demands efficient servants. Management seeks to improve skill and efficiency of its employees. Citizens expect efficient governmental systems. Consumers want most efficient gadgets and other durables.
Efficient action, skilled action is Yog. Any action? Moral, Immoral, Benevolent, Evil, actions with good intention, actions with bad intention, and so on .....
Skill and efficiency improve with training and conscious effort. But, Yog is not possible so long as the 'doer' or 'performer of action' is consciously present while performing the action, in other words, the awareness that "I am the doer" is alive. Yog is absolute Union. The performer dissolves and manifests as the action. Ultimate skill and utmost efficiency is when the action is performed, but the performer absent. The classics in music, art, literature were produced in such ecstatic state by the artist - action performed with the doer absent. This is true even in mundane acts. The cyclist is imperfect so long he remains conscious of his act of cycling. He approaches near perfection when the actor and the action, the cyclist and cycling merge, The mother cooks the most delicious food when she disappears, that is the consciousness that 'I am cooking' disappears. In that state, evil action is impossible.
The best speeches, the most impactful speeches were delivered in a state wherein the speaker himself was in a mesmerized state. After the Kurukshetra war, Arjuna and his brothers in a relaxed state of mind ask Shri Krishna to repeat the Gita discourse. Shri Krishna says, "I was in a different state when I talked the Gita. I can't repeat it even if I wished to."
This is exactly the reason why persons in almost all professions have attained Divinity, even while continuing to be in their professional activities. KabirDas was a weaver. Gora Kumbhaar was a potter, Namdev a tailor, RaviDas a cobbler. There is no action in this world which is not Divine. Every action, Every perfect action is Divine or Yog.
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