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भुञ्जते ते त्वघं पापा ये पचन्त्यात्मकारणात् |  (अध्याय ३ - श्लोक १३)
புஞ்ஜதே தே த்வகம் பாபா யே பசன்த்யாத்மகாரணாத்.  (அத்யாயம் 3 - ஸ்லோகம் 13)
Bhunjate te Twagham Paapaa ye Pachantyaatmakaaranaat.  (Chapter 3 - Shloka 13)

Meaning :  They are sinners who cook for self alone.  These sinners eat nothing but sin.

They are sinners who cook for self alone.  These sinners eat nothing but sin.  Shri Krishna seems to be harsh once again in this phrase.  They might have never read or heard of these words of Shri Krishna, but sharing of food is rigorously practiced by the Hindus.  From the far-east Asam to Gujarat in the west, from Kashmir in the North to Shri Lanka in the South, people from every community have this deep rooted and noble trait of sharing food.  The Muslims and Christians in other countries of the world do not exhibit this practice of sharing.  But, Aathitya or sharing food is a practice even among the Muslims and Christians of Bharat and also in Pakistan and Bangladesh, the countries which were parts of a Hindu Rashtra, barely seventy years ago.  They too are Hindus, are they not?  Placing on the rooftop a fistful of food for the crow, providing water tank for the cow, feeding the street dog in the night, providing food to the travellers, arranging water and butter-milk serving centers during summer seasons, organizing food-serving centers (Anna Chatram) are common practices through out Hindustaan.  This habit of the Hindus has influenced the Governments too.  Providing cheap or free rations, organizing cheap food to be served among the poor, organizing free-food serving units in the temples, providing free mid-day meals to the school children etc. are common schemes run by various Governments.  Shri Sathya Sai Samiti and Shri Krishna Consciousness, two of the numerous Religious organizations feed a few lakhs of (black) students in schools of Afrika.

An interesting anecdote from my memory that confirmed my view that Hindu mothers regard cooking for self alone as a sin.  I was asked to speak in Aerobics Club for women in South Afrika.  There were around hundred middle-aged and older women.  In the course of my speech, I wanted to know how many of them loved cooking.  "Those of you who love cooking, please raise your hand" I asked.  To my surprise, only five of them raised their hands.  I thought, perhaps they did not understand my words.  Hence, I repeated my question in detail.  The numbers raising their hands did not change.  Having seen mothers in our Nation, I was shocked to silence.  "Oh! we hate cooking", one of them said on behalf of others.  Another woman went a step further and said, "We hate kitchen".  Others also seemed to approve their words.  "You will love cooking only if there is love in you".  These words emerged from my mouth spontaneously, without any pre-thought.  (Ideas expressed in the scriptures or the Gita were definitely not responsible for these words.  In fact, I started study of the Gita only after I returned from Afrika.)  After I returned home from Afrika, I wanted to verify the truth in my statement.  I contacted around hundred and fifty mothers of all ages and economic statures and asked them a single question.  "You cook for all in your family.  Suppose on a day, all others have gone out and you are alone at home.  What will you cook on such a day?  Something you relish, something you loved and longed to eat??"  The answer was unanimous.  "I'll somehow fill up my belly.  Cooking only if others, atleast, my maid servant is at home to serve and share."  Yes.  The truth was verified.  One will love cooking only if there is love in her.  'Do you cook with dedication and Joy?'  That is the sure litmus test for Love.

Similar with serving.  You will only find 'Self-Service' or 'Help Yourself' in other countries.  Serving food is a practice prevalent only in Bharat.

This phrase mentions the act of cooking in a symbolic way.  Shri Krishna means not mere cooking, but every action.  "It is a sin if you do anything for yourself", says Shri Krishna.


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