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यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्टः तत्तदेवेतरो जनः  ... (अध्याय ३ - श्लोक २१)
யத்யதாசரதி ஸ்ரேஷ்டஹ தத்ததேவேதரோ ஜனஹ  ... (அத்யாயம் 3 - ஸ்லோக 21)
Yadyadaacharathi Sreshtaha Tattad Eva Itaraha Janaha ... (Chapter 3 - Shlokam 21).

Meaning :  The way elders behave, the others follow....

The way elders behave, the examples set by the elders, the standards set be the elders, ... these are very important. Society at large merely follows the elders.  The common man looks at the standards set by elders as the standards to be achieved.

Now, who is a Sreshta, an elder?  There is no standard definition for the term 'sreshta'.  The term 'Shreya' means anything that is good, anything that is right, anything that will help me in 'growing'. So, Sreshta should be a person that does the right, whose actions are Dharmik, whose actions are exemplary and help others to choose and decide their actions. The Shastras suggest that Veda is the ultimate reference book, but if we can not know and understand the Vedas, we are asked to follow the elders.

And, that is natural. The child follows the parents. Father is the 'hero' for a child. Once the child starts going to school, the teacher becomes the role-model. As the child grows in age, a sports achiever, an adventurous performer attracts and inspires.  Before independence, National political leaders occupied this position.  After independence, film personalities have replaced them. They attract and inspire the modern day society.  Most of us finish our lives in this childish state. For the rest few of us, there will be a serious search for a role-model if and when 'maturity' dawns within and an urge to understand life is born.

Why does a human look for a role-model?  A human does not want to be 'incomplete'.  To become 'full', to realize 'wholeness' is his natural urge.  A human does not want to be ignorant.  To become 'illuminated', to know is his natural aspiration.  This urge may not be conscious in all.  Nevertheless, it exists in all.  This urge tempts him to look at others.  This aspiration inspires him to follow others. He looks to the personality, which according to himself, represents 'fullness' or 'knowledge'. Hence, there will be 'N' number of role-models.  Each and everyone of us is a potential 'role-Model' for someone, somewhere.

In Adhyaatma or 'Spiritual field' this is explained thus. The Paramatman is Sat-Chit-Ananda. He is the Whole. He is Always Existing. He is the Only Existence. He is the Knowledge. He is Sarvagya, or Omniscient. He is Joy infinite. The Atman in each of us is but a speck of Him, the Paramaatman. The Natural urge of the Atman is to be one with Him. That is the reason behind this search for a Role-Model or a Guru. For others, this search may seem to be mis-directed. The role-model held by me may seem petty to others. But, the subtle intention behind is 'my own elevation', 'my own attainment of 'wholeness', 'my own thirst to know'.  My search will be redirected and my choice of 'role-model' will be re-modelled as 'clarity (to know what I want) and maturity (to analyze and learn from my experiences)' grow in me. Others need not bother.

Thus, we know that we are being observed by someone seeking a role-model. We are being scrutinized by someone in search of guidance.  We are being followed by some one who has chosen to follow us, consciously or sub-consciously.  And, here is the importance of our behaviour, explicit and implicit, thoughts, words and actions.

There is a final word of caution.  Our behaviour needs to be fine tuned not because someone, somewhere is watching us.  That will encourage irresponsibility and recklessness in us if we feel none is watching us.  Our behaviour must be our Nature. My behaviour is my 'Identity'. My Identity does not and should not depend on others' scrutiny or certificate or approval or appreciation. I can not and must not act only to 'inspire others', only to 'show the right path to others', 'only to guide others'. My words, my actions, are Me, personified, irrespective of whether I am alone in a 'no-man' area or in a crowd, whether I am in 'Watch-camera' area, or in darkness, whether I lead a 'public life' always interacting with and always seen and observed by others, or I lead a private, quiet life.

Having said and read all these, let us remember a bitter truth.  'You may find the Best possible Role-Model'.  You may be blessed with a Super-Perfect Guru.  But, your growth will be only through your own efforts and perseverance'.  You will have to sweat it out.  You will have to strive.  You will have to find your WAY.  Role of others, howsoever mighty or great, is very little.


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