ॐ PHRASES IN THE GITA - 19 अहङ्कार विमूढात्मा कर्ताहं इति मन्यते .... (अध्याय ३ - श्लोक २७) அஹங்கார விமூடாத்மா கர்தாஹம் இதி மன்யதே ... (அத்யாயம் 3 - ஸ்லோகம் 27) Ahankaara Vimoodhaatmaa Kartaaham Iti Manyate ... (Chapter 3 - Shloka 27) Meaning : The Egoist ignorant feels 'I do'. Let me make a point very clear at the beginning itself. I write this article purely for self, based on my own experiences and my own convictions. Anyone who feels 'he himself is the doer' or one who feels, 'his life is in his own control' may continue with his belief. Idea expressed in this article may not be palatable to him. When I look back at my life, I feel things have 'happened'. Situations were created. I merely swept with the tides. And this conviction that 'I am not the doer' grew stronger and stronger. The simplest option available with is to lift our hands up and allow the tides to take us. Our thoughts, actions etc. are influenced...
राम गोपाल रत्नम्