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अहङ्कार विमूढात्मा कर्ताहं इति मन्यते .... (अध्याय ३ - श्लोक २७)
அஹங்கார விமூடாத்மா கர்தாஹம் இதி மன்யதே ... (அத்யாயம் 3 - ஸ்லோகம் 27)
Ahankaara Vimoodhaatmaa Kartaaham Iti Manyate ... (Chapter 3 - Shloka 27)

Meaning :  The Egoist ignorant feels 'I do'.

Let me make a point very clear at the beginning itself.  I write this article purely for self, based on my own experiences and my own convictions.  Anyone who feels 'he himself is the doer' or one who feels, 'his life is in his own control' may continue with his belief.  Idea expressed in this article may not be palatable to him.

When I look back at my life, I feel things have 'happened'.  Situations were created.  I merely swept with the tides.  And this conviction that 'I am not the doer' grew stronger and stronger.  The simplest option available with is to lift our hands up and allow the tides to take us.

Our thoughts, actions etc. are influenced by so many factors.  These are works of Prakruti.  The three Guna, of which we are constituted, cause these.  The combination of Guna that dominate in our psyche is the result of so many experiences in the past so many lives.  We are bound to think in the way unique to us and act in the way unique to us.  This applies to everyone around us.

Struggle within us against this Satya (Truth) or refusal to accept this is due to 'desire' in us.  Actions executed by us or through us may be desire-propelled or Prakruti-propelled.  Desire-propelled actions make us feel, 'I am the doer'.  This feeling gets further strengthened if the actions fetch us 'favourable' or desired results,  'Unfavourable' or 'undesired' results shake the foundation of this belief (that 'I am the doer'.)

What about wrong actions?  Yes.  those are also performed by the three Guna in Prakruti.  Can one do a wrong act and blame the Prakruti and try to absolve Self?  Beware.  Every action fetches its Reaction or Karma-Phala.  A wrong action too, will definitely fetch its own Fruit.  If the realization (that 'not me but Prakruti was responsible) is true, then dissociate from the pain or pleasure of the fruit.

This very article and many such experiences have again and again reaffirmed this conviction.  I wanted to write on this phrase so many times in the past one month, opened the Blogger page everytime and sat in front, facing the blank page.  But, it never happened.  Today, wheile I was involved in some other unrelated work, I was dragged to this page and have now finished the article.
This is not a matter for 'Intellectual' analysis.  None else can be convinced of this Idea through arguments.  It is a matter of pure conviction or Shraddha.


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