(Ashtaanga Yog)
(From my Twitter page)
(Ashtaanga Yog)
(From my Twitter page)
{- 1 -}: Patanjali Yog Sootra has 4 Paadha. (quarter).4 quarters make one full. The 4 Paadha are Samadhi, Saadhana,Vibhooti & Kaivalya Paadha.
{- 2 -}: Patanjali Yog Sootra has 195 sootra (formulae). These are not in shloka (verse) format, but in formulae format.
{- 3 -}: Patanjali Yog Sutra - Samaadhi Pada has 51, Saadhana Paada has 55, Vibhooti Paada has 55 and Kaivalya Paada has 34 Sutra. Total 195.
{- 4 -}: Shree Patanjali Maharshi talks of Ashtaanga Yog, Yog with 8 limbs. Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayama, Pratyaahaara, Daaranaa, Dhyaana, Samaadhi.
{- 5 -}: Yama Niyama Aasana Praanaayaama Pratyaahaara Dhaaranaa Dhyaana Samaadhayo(a)shtaavangaani. {Saadhana Paada - 29.}
{- 6 -}: Basic info. It isn't Yogaa but Yoga or Yog. May we throw English spectacles & train to look at our own things thro' our own eyes. Yoga not Yogaa.
{- 7 -}: PatanjaliYogaSutra : Patanjali has a beautiful way. He gives a formula type statement & then defines every word used in the statement.
{- 8 -}: Patanjali's definition of Yog: YogasChittaVruttiNirodhaha - Silencing of traits of Mind is Yoga. (Samaadhi Pada - 2)
{- 9 -}: Ahimsaa / Non-violence, Satya / Truth, Asteya / Non-stealing, Brahmacharya / Abstinence & Aparigraha / Non-possession are 5 Yama.
{- 10 -}: Yama, the first Anga of Ashtanga Yog, are five basic values in life. the values which should guide our lives.
{- 11 -}: Yama becomes Mahavrata if followed at all places, all times, for all people. "I'll not tell lie in a temple" is place-bound Yama.
{- 12 -}: I'll follow Ahimsa towards children & Sadhus".That is person bound Yama. Yama should gradually grow into Mahavrata.
{- 13 -}: JaatiDeshaKaalaSamayaanavaacchinnaaha Saarvabhauma Mahavratam.(Sadhana Pada-31) Yama is a Mahavrata if it transcends time, Place, etc.
{- 14 -}: Shaucha Santosha Tapah Swaadhyaaya EaswaraPranidhaanaani Niyamaaha - (Saadhana Paada - 32.)
{- 15 -}: Niyama are 5. Cleanliness, Contentment, Relentless effort, Self-study & Surrender to God are Niyama / disciplines.
{- 16 -}: Ahimsa Pratishthayam Tatsannidhau VairaTyagah.Enmity evaporates in his presence, in whom Ahimsa is firmly established- (Sadhana Paada - 35)
{- 17 -}: (Sadhana Paada 35).Tirukkural with almost same meaning. "Kollaanai Pulaal Maruththaanai Kai kooppi Ellaa uyirum Thozhum".
{- 18 -}: (Sadhana Paada 35)- Meaning of Tirukkural. "With folded hands all lives humbly bow to him who refuses to kill &abstains from meat.
{- 19 -}: (Sadhan Pada - 36).Satya Pratishthayam KriyaPhalashrayalvam. Words from him, in whom Satya/Truth is firmly established, turn into Truth.
{- 20 -}: (Sadhan Pada 36). Curse or blessings or even a slip of his tongue of the one in whom Satya is firmly established, turn REAL.
{- 21 -}: Asteya Pratishthayam Sarvaratnopasthanam. (Sadhana Pada - 37). Everything precious & best at his disposal, if Non-stealing is firmly rooted in him.
{- 22 -}: BrahmacharyaPratishthaayaamVeeryaLaabhah-(Saadhan Paada 38). Brahmacharya is Celebacy, Control over Manas & senses, Abstinence,...
{- 23 -}: BrahmacharyaPratishthaayaamVeerya Laabhah-(Sadhan Pada 38) Veerya is Serum, Potency, Power of Mind and senses, Ability, etc.
{- 24 -}: When Brahmacharya is firmly rooted, The body, senses, mind and intellect gain in Strength, Power and Ability. (Sadhana Pada - 38).
{- 25 -}: Aparigraha Sthairye JanmaKathantaa Sambodhah (Sadhana Pada - 39) With Aparigraha firmly rooted, Memories of prev births are kindled.
{- 26 -}: Non possession or Non-Acquisition is Aparigraha.Living on essentials. Sanyaasi is personification of Aparigraha.(Sadhana Pada - 39)
{- 27 -}: Aparigraha also applicable to Gruhastha / familyman. Sanyaasi is called Ek Vastra Dhaari (one who wears a single cloth), while Gruhastha is Dwi Vastra Dhari (one who wears two clothes).
{- 28 -}: Sadhana Pada 30,31,34,35,36,37,38 & 39 talk about 5 Yama, first Anga of Astaanga Yog. We'll discuss Verse 34 later.
{- 29 -}: Sadhana Pada-Sutra 40-45 are about 2nd Anga / Organ of Ashtanga Yog, the Niyama, or daily Disciplines. Niyama are 5.
{- 30 -}: ShauchaatSwaangajugupsaa Parairasamsargaihi.(Sadhana Pada - 40). The first Niyama is Shaucham-Cleanliness or Purity.
{- 31 -}: ShauchatSwangajugupsaaParairasamsargaihi (Sadhana Pada - 40). If Shaucha is followed, fondness for body & desire to mix with others vanish.
{- 32 -}: A Niyama is to be followed, not as&when one desires, but daily, rigorously. It should become a part of daily routine.
{- 33 -}: Shaucha is Cleanliness of body. If it is rigorously followed, one realizes that body can never be purified, despite all efforts.
{- 34 -}: If Shaucha is followed, one realizes that the body is a bundle of impurity and hence develops detachment with body organs.
{- 35 -}: If one realizes the body to be a bundle of impurity, desire to mix with others vanishes.
{- 36 -}: Thus,cleaning the body,bathing, brushing, nail-cutting, hair-washing etc. are efforts. Realizing that it can never be cleaned is result.
{- 37 -}: Sattva Shuddhi(1)Saumanas(2)Ekaagra(3)Indriyajaya(4)AatmaDarshana(5) Yogyatvaani cha. (Sadhana Pada 41). Effect of Niyama Shaucha..
{- 38 -}: Rigorous adherence to Niyam Shaucha makes us eligible for...Purity in thought, Joyous Mind, Sharper Focus,Reigned Senses,Vision of Self,
{- 39 -}: Thus Shaucha, or (outer) Purity paves way for Inner Purity. (Sadhana Pada 41.)
{- 40 -}: Santoshaad Anuttama Sukha Laabhah (Sadhana Pada 42). Highest Joy, Best of Joy is got through Santosha or Contentment.
{- 41 -}: Tosha is Trupti or Contentment. (Ashutosha is Shiva's name, One who can very easily be satisfied.) Santosha is Absolute contentment.
{- 42 -}: To desire is 'state of beggar'. More desires, more restless&unhappy the man. 'No complaint, No demand' is state of Joyous Mind.
{- 43 -}: Kaayendriya Siddhi: Ashuddhi Kshayaat Tapasah. (Sadhana Paada 42). Tapas is third of the five Niyama.
{- 44 -}: To patiently bear hurdles&hardships caused to body & senses and continue with Sadhana or chosen spiritual practice is Tapas.
{- 45 -}: Subjecting the body and senses to hardships is not Tapas (penance), but to continue Sadhana despite hurdles & difficulties is Tapas.
{- 46 -}: The body & senses become sanctified and pure and Siddhis (uncommon powers) are attained with continuous and successful Tapas.
{- 47 -}: Swaadhyaayaat Iishta Devataa Samprayogaha (Saadhana Paada 44). Fourth Niyama. Ishta Deva is pleased thro' Swadhyaya.
{- 48 -}: Swa+Adhyayanam=Swadhyaya. Swa is Self. Adhyayan is Study. Study of self or efforts to know self is Swadhyaya. It is Daily discipline.
{- 49 -}: Writing diary may also be an effort to know self. Veda & other ennobling texts are references for studying self. Reading these texts daily is Swadhyaya.
{- 50 -}: So, what is Swadhyaya? Activity is 'Study of scriptures'. Goal is Study of Self and knowing Self.
{- 51 -}: SamadhiSiddhireeswaraPranidhaanaat (Saadhana Paada 45). Iswara Pranidhana - Sharanaagati - Surrender to God.
{- 52 -}: Sharanagati or Surrender is not conditional, not a matter of convenience. Surrender has to be Absolute, Total.
{- 53 -}: Leave everything to Him, accept anything that comes as His Grace. No Desire, No Prayers, No Demand, No Complaint, No Choice, No Target.
{- 54 -}: Ishwara Pranidhana leads to Samaadhee. Sama is 'equi'. Dhee is 'Buddhi;,'Pragya' Equi-poised Intellect or 'Absolute Consciousness'.
{- 55 -}: Ishwara Pranidhaana or Surrender to God is fifth Niyama, a Daily discipline, nay, a discipline for every Second, split-second..
{- 56 -}: Vitarka Baadhane PratiPaksha Bhaavanam. (Sadhana Pada 33). This sutra is a precious one for Sadhaka.
{- 57 -}: While one tries to practice Yama & Niyama, counter suggestions arise in mind and try to obstruct practice. These are Vitarka.
{- 58 -}: Falsehood is Vitarka for Satya, Temptation to steal is Vitarka for Asteya.,Lust for Brahmacharya etc. Similarly for niyamas too.
{- 59 -}: Vitarka is countered by counter - thoughts.Rage, Greed & Delusion cause Vitarka. These'll plunge me into Ignorance & Grief and downfall. That is 'Prati-Paksha Bhavanam'. for Vitarka.
{- 60 -}: Vitarka is Anti-suggestions to Yama and Niyama. Prati-Paksha Bhavanam is Counter-suggestions to tackle Vitarka.
{- 61 -}: Third of the eight limbs in Patanjali Yog Sutra is Asana. Sthira Sukham Asanam says Patanjali. (Sadhan Pada 46)
{- 62 -}: Yama & Niyama precede Asana. Practice of Asana, without adherence to Yama, the values & Niyama, the disciplines, will be ineffective.
{- 63 -}: Two conditions for Asana-Posture. Sthira (Stability) & Sukha (Comfortable).The posture should be Stable / Balanced & Comfortable too.
{- 64 -}: The Posture shd be retained for few moments, (Sthiram) We should do that smilingly. (Sukham). No movement-not even eyes and eyelids.
{- 65 -}: Unstable and restless mind causes body movements. Stilling the body quietens the mind & vice-versa.
{- 66 -}: Impact of Asana postures on the body is important, nevertheless. But, impact on Mind and inner personality is more important.
{- 67 -}: Asana, that is naturally comfortable & stable, not forced is your Asnana. Buddha sat in Padmasana, Gandhi in Bharadwajasana.
{- 68 -}: PrayatnaShaithilyanantaSamaapattibhyaam {Sadhana Pada 47}. There should be no effort to hold the body forcefully in the Asana.
{- 69 -}: Tato Dwandwaanabhighaatah {Sadhana48}. Dualities like heat, cold, pain, pleasure, hunger, etc. can not disturb one's natural Asana.
- {- 78 -}: From 'wanting to do this & that' to 'not interested/not wanting to do this & that' is the transformation thro' Yog. So, this is not for family men.
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