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काम एष ... क्रोध एष ....  (अध्याय ३  - श्लोक ३७)
காம ஏஷ ... க்ரோத ஏஷ .... (அத்தியாயம் 3 - ஶ்லோகம்  37)
Kaama Esha ... Krodha Esha ... (Chapter 3 - Shloka 37)

MEANING :  Kaama and Krodha are the Twin causes.

Shri Krishna replies to Arjuna's query.  "Why is Man pushed into committing Sin?"  What are the causes which incite Man in to Sin?"  Shri Krishna replies, "Kaama and Krodha".  These are words at the beginning of a beautiful commentary on human mind.

Kaama is not merely Sexual lust, but any desire, any immoral desire, to be more specific.  Desire to take food when one is hungry is not Kaama.  Eating for satiation of hunger is not Kaama.  Eating to please the tongue is definitely Kaama.  In another context, Shri Krishna says, "Dharma aviruddho Kaama Asmi".  i.e. "I am Kaama, if it is within the frame of Dharma".  Even Sex is Divine, if it is within bounds of Dharma.

Krodha is rage, hidden within, waiting for a moment to burst out.  Seeking vengeance is an expression of Krodha.  There is a subtle difference between Kopa and Krodha.  Kopa is a reaction, an expression of protest and is momentous.  If Kopa is preserved longer and the if vengeance is sought on the factor or person that caused Kopa, it turns into Krodha.    Kopa is merely an instinct.  while Krodha is acquired from outside and nourished.  There is a saying in Samskritam... क्षण कोप उत्तमम् |  जाम कोप मध्यमंम्  |  प्रहर कोप अधमम्  |  ("Kshana Kopa Uttamam.  Jaama Kopa Madhyamam and Prahara Kopa adhamam")  Momentous Kopa good.  Kopa lasting more than 2 & 1/4 hours (Jaama in Hindu Calander) is OK.  Kopa which stays overnight is lowly.  Kopa is reaction to a hurt caused, while Krodha is reaction to the person causing the hurt. Krodha may continue even after vengeance has been wrecked.  After Kurukshetra War, blind Dhritarashtra and his wife Gandhari were unfortunate to stay with Pandavas.  King Yudhishtira took full care of them with love and affection. But, Bheema could not forget the past.  He used to tap his biceps and say "these are the arms which burst open Dushasana's chest.  These are the arms which tore apart Duryodhana's limbs". This was his way of trying to satisfy raging Krodha within.

According to Shri Krishna, Kaama and Krodha are the twin factors that push a man into Sin.  What is Paapa or Sin?  Mahabharata defines Paapa in simple terms.  "Paapaaya Parapeedanam."  That which hurts or injures others is Paapa.  Kaama is desire to acquire and possess an object,  experience a pleasure and reach a status of power etc. and Krodha is to stop, curb, or  eliminate anyone who is seen as obstacle in the path of desire,  Paapa or hurting others is inevitable with these two factors.  Paapa is not merely physical, but words and even thought armed with Kaama and Krodha are potent enough to commit Paapa.


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