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द्वन्द्वातीत: .... (अध्याय ४ - श्लोक २२)
த்வந்த்வாதீத:  .... (அத்யாயம் 4 - ஶ்லோகம் 22)
Dwandwaatheethah   ... (Chapter 4 - Shloka 22)

Meaning :  Dwandwaateeta is one who is beyond the Duels ...  Ateeta is Beyond.. Dwa is two..  Mallayuddha or wrestling is called Dwandwa.  Fight between two.. So,dwandwaateeta is getting beyond duels, contradictions...

We find so many contradictions around us. If there is bright day, there is also dark night.  If there is hot, hot summer, there is also chilling winter.  If there is sweet and tasty honey and Coconut,  there is also bitter gourd.  If there is beautiful rose and Lotus, there is also ugly cactus..  If there is melodious cuckoo of Koyal, there is also the unbearable, harsh, karnakathor (कर्ण कठोर ) braying of donkey.  If there is soft, tender silk, there is also harsh, abrasive thorn and wool.  These are contradictions in the experiences of our sense organs..

The experiences of Manas or mind also have many contradictions..  There is appreciation and there is also criticism..  There is affection and there is also contempt.  There is friendship and there is enmity too.  There is the pleasant and there is also the unpleasant.

These are all experiences in our interaction with the world around us.  Experiences are bound to be there.  We can not avoid interacting with the world.  We can not lead an isolated life, disconnected from the world.  We can not avoid day and night, summer and winter,  appreciation and criticism, honour and insult..  What do we do then..??  If you observe carefully,  you'll find adjectives used for all the experiences...and the adjectives are the problem..  Bitter, sweet, pleasant, unpleasant, soft, harsh,  melodious, karnakathor (कर्ण कठोर ), soft, harsh...  etc. If we can eliminate these adjectives, mere experiences remain..  If we can stop qualifying our experiences, we might possibly be Dwandwaateeta,

But, these experiences seem so real..!!  The different experiences are due to the 'Swabhava' or inherent nature of the ones whom we interact with... swabhava of the rose, the stone, the bird, the animal,the persons, etc. etc..  Can swabhava be changed ??  We find it so difficult to change our own swabhava, which needs possibly the easiest effort.  To change swabhava of others around us impossible.  To avoid these interactions is also impossible..  Bets course available for us is to train and learn not to qualify the experiences,  train not to allow the experiences leave pain or pleasantry within.  We are allowed only to learn from the experiences and tune our own interactions... (instead of trying to change the world around us...)


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