न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रम् ... (अध्याय ४ - श्लोकं ३८)
ந ஹி க்ஞானேன ஸத்ருஶம் பவித்ரம் ... (அத்யாயம் 4 - ஶ்லோகம் 38)
Na Hi Gyaanena Sadrusham Pavithram ... (Chapter 4 - Shloka 38)
Meaning : There is nothing so sacred as Gyaana or Knowledge.
Knowledge is not the exact equivalent word for Gyaana in Samskrit. It is used in this article for want of more suitable word. Incidentally, the other Bharateeya languages also do not have a separate word for Gyaana. Hence, Gyaana is one of the many words common in all Bharateeya languages.
What is "sacred ?" It is that which 'purifies' anyone on being touched, on being seen, on being thought...
Gyaana or Knowledge is pure or sacred and it purifies anyone who attains it. Among the numerous human societies in world, the one which has realized the sanctity of Knowledge, it is the Hindu society in Bharat.
The name of our Nation is Bharat. Bha is Light in Samskrit. (One of the various names of the Sun is Bha-s-kara. Bha is light and Kara means 'arms. Bhaskara is one who has Light as his arms.) Rat is to be 'immersed in'. Bharat is the Land which is "immersed in Light", "plunged in Knowledge". (That Bharat is immersed in Light is true even if one takes the straight meaning of Light.. Bharat is blessed with 12 hours of Sun light almost for eleven months in a year.) Bharat has always been plunged in Knowledge.. Striving to attain Knowledge is of utmost priority for us, the Hindus. (Bharat, a beautiful and meaningful name. The Secularists are hell-bent in their efforts to make us forget Bharat and adopt India, a meaningless name. May we too pledge never to use the name India and always say with pride Bharat..)
Gyaana is not worldly knowledge. It is Spiritual Knowledge. It is Knowledge of Self. It is Knowledge of Paramaatman, the Creator. Even if we regard Gyaana as worldly knowledge, then too Bharateeyas have an inherent and intense desire to gain knowledge.
In 1850's people from TamilNadu and Bihar were transported as "Indentured Labour" (a more dignified name for "Slave Labour") to South Afrika to work there in sugarcane farms of the whites. Those who went were probably at the lowest rung of social, economic and educational ladders. Most of those were Harijans. The working conditions in South Afrika was not comforting either. They had to loiter for 16 to 18 hours a day. They were dumped in dark and stingy sheds. They were denied educational, medical and Religious facilities. Rude and subtle attempts were made to convert them to Christianity. But, despite all these hardships, they are among the most educated communities in Afrika and have proudly survived as Hindus, all these years. Thirst for Knowledge gave them the strength enough to survive in a hostile environment. The very few among them who could read and write taught letters to children by writing on sand with fingers. The very few among them who knew a few verses of Tulasee Ramayana or Thevaram recited and taught those to the next generation.
We organized tuition centers in fishermen colonies affected by Tsunaami in 2,004. Children in fishermen colonies did not show keen interest in studies due to alluring income in fishing and hence shifted the centers to Harijan colonies. The environment in Harijan colonies was not supportive to serious studies. Utter poverty, brawls and nuisance by drunkards on streets, nasty exploitation by political parties, lack of basic facilities, in every colony. Despite all these discouraging factors, we found one or two very serious students, Dr Ambedkars of the next generation, in every colony. We had announced cash awards of Rs 2,000 for every student student scoring +400 marks (> 80%). We expected 10 to 12 students to score more than 80% and had arranged Rs 20,000. To our pleasant shock, there were 32 students from our 14 centers who scored more than 400 marks.
Fifty years back, many families had larger number of children and lower salaries. Most survived on cooked rice balls distributed in temples. Poverty and insufficient food did not deter the children from studies. They topped in exams and rose to big positions in companies and governments.
In materialistic land of Amerika, children who could retain real desire for Knowledge, despite numerous alluring pleasures, are in large numbers, from migrant Hindu families.
Pleasure - seeking mind is the only one which can destroy this thirst for gaining knowledge. Sensual desires are potent enough to vanquish thirst for Knowledge.
Knowledge does not limit to worldly knowledge. Real Knowledge is that which removes darkness within and illumines. It is that which erases impurities within and purifies us. But, the thirst to attain worldly knowledge in any field is sincere and intense, it'll transform into thirst for True Knowledge. Hence, it is welcome even if the desire, sincere and intense, is only to gain worldly Knowledge.
Knowledge is not the exact equivalent word for Gyaana in Samskrit. It is used in this article for want of more suitable word. Incidentally, the other Bharateeya languages also do not have a separate word for Gyaana. Hence, Gyaana is one of the many words common in all Bharateeya languages.
What is "sacred ?" It is that which 'purifies' anyone on being touched, on being seen, on being thought...
Gyaana or Knowledge is pure or sacred and it purifies anyone who attains it. Among the numerous human societies in world, the one which has realized the sanctity of Knowledge, it is the Hindu society in Bharat.
The name of our Nation is Bharat. Bha is Light in Samskrit. (One of the various names of the Sun is Bha-s-kara. Bha is light and Kara means 'arms. Bhaskara is one who has Light as his arms.) Rat is to be 'immersed in'. Bharat is the Land which is "immersed in Light", "plunged in Knowledge". (That Bharat is immersed in Light is true even if one takes the straight meaning of Light.. Bharat is blessed with 12 hours of Sun light almost for eleven months in a year.) Bharat has always been plunged in Knowledge.. Striving to attain Knowledge is of utmost priority for us, the Hindus. (Bharat, a beautiful and meaningful name. The Secularists are hell-bent in their efforts to make us forget Bharat and adopt India, a meaningless name. May we too pledge never to use the name India and always say with pride Bharat..)
Gyaana is not worldly knowledge. It is Spiritual Knowledge. It is Knowledge of Self. It is Knowledge of Paramaatman, the Creator. Even if we regard Gyaana as worldly knowledge, then too Bharateeyas have an inherent and intense desire to gain knowledge.
In 1850's people from TamilNadu and Bihar were transported as "Indentured Labour" (a more dignified name for "Slave Labour") to South Afrika to work there in sugarcane farms of the whites. Those who went were probably at the lowest rung of social, economic and educational ladders. Most of those were Harijans. The working conditions in South Afrika was not comforting either. They had to loiter for 16 to 18 hours a day. They were dumped in dark and stingy sheds. They were denied educational, medical and Religious facilities. Rude and subtle attempts were made to convert them to Christianity. But, despite all these hardships, they are among the most educated communities in Afrika and have proudly survived as Hindus, all these years. Thirst for Knowledge gave them the strength enough to survive in a hostile environment. The very few among them who could read and write taught letters to children by writing on sand with fingers. The very few among them who knew a few verses of Tulasee Ramayana or Thevaram recited and taught those to the next generation.
We organized tuition centers in fishermen colonies affected by Tsunaami in 2,004. Children in fishermen colonies did not show keen interest in studies due to alluring income in fishing and hence shifted the centers to Harijan colonies. The environment in Harijan colonies was not supportive to serious studies. Utter poverty, brawls and nuisance by drunkards on streets, nasty exploitation by political parties, lack of basic facilities, in every colony. Despite all these discouraging factors, we found one or two very serious students, Dr Ambedkars of the next generation, in every colony. We had announced cash awards of Rs 2,000 for every student student scoring +400 marks (> 80%). We expected 10 to 12 students to score more than 80% and had arranged Rs 20,000. To our pleasant shock, there were 32 students from our 14 centers who scored more than 400 marks.
Fifty years back, many families had larger number of children and lower salaries. Most survived on cooked rice balls distributed in temples. Poverty and insufficient food did not deter the children from studies. They topped in exams and rose to big positions in companies and governments.
In materialistic land of Amerika, children who could retain real desire for Knowledge, despite numerous alluring pleasures, are in large numbers, from migrant Hindu families.
Pleasure - seeking mind is the only one which can destroy this thirst for gaining knowledge. Sensual desires are potent enough to vanquish thirst for Knowledge.
Knowledge does not limit to worldly knowledge. Real Knowledge is that which removes darkness within and illumines. It is that which erases impurities within and purifies us. But, the thirst to attain worldly knowledge in any field is sincere and intense, it'll transform into thirst for True Knowledge. Hence, it is welcome even if the desire, sincere and intense, is only to gain worldly Knowledge.
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