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योगमातिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ भारत ... (अध्याय 4 - श्लोक ४२)
யோகமாதிஷ்டோத்திஷ்ட பாரத ... (அத்யாயம் 4 - ஶ்லோகம் 42)
Yogamaaatthishtotthishta Bharata ... (Chapter 4 - Shlokam 42)

Meaning :  Be firm in Yog and arise ... Oh Bharata ...

Yogamaatthishtotthishta Bharata ...  Be firmly anchored to Yog and Arise .. Oh Bharata !!  Arjuna is being called Bharata, as he is born in the dynasty of Bharata .  This is a Clarion call to Arjuna by Shri Krishna .  The name Bharata used here seems to suggest that Shri Krishna's call is addressed to Bharat, the Unique Nation, the most ancient Nation, the great Nation in centuries long deep slumber .   The Veda also says, "Utthishtatha !  Jagratha !!  Praapyavaraan Nibodhata !!!  "Arise !  Awake !  Stop not till the goal is reached !!!"  That is a call to the whole humanity .  Swami Vivekananda used this phrase quite often .  That was an effort to arouse the Hindu society, which was not merely under alien rule but also had lost its glorious self-Identity and was in a dazed state influenced by the alien rulers .  But for a few developments, it continues to remain in the same state after passage of 120 years .  Shri Krishna through the Gita gives a prophetic call to Bharat .

A Nation growing powerful need not be beneficial to the world .  Ancient Greece growing powerful gave rise to Military march to and aggressive assault on other countries by the Greek rulers in an effort to capture the whole world .  A powerful Amerika led to brutal exploitation of resources in other countries with an intent to enrich itself and dominate all other countries .  Germany grew powerful and there was a world war and colossal loss of human lives .  A richer Arabia has nourished terrorism oll over the globe .  That is why Shri Krishna commands Bharat to Utthishta with a string "Yogam Atthishta" attached .  Bharat should Rise - up and become powerful, firmly clinging on to Yoga .  A powerful Nation without Yoga grows into a demon .  Such a Nation is cause for Destruction, pain and agony for mankind .  I would like to mention here a practice followed in Bharat since ages during swearing in ceremony of a King.  The king being sworn in would say, "Na Dandosmi ."  (I am not bound by any rigour, Rule and punishment .)  The Rajaguru (equivalent to Prime Minister in present times .) would then spank King - to - be with a grass saying "Dharma Dandosi"  (No .  You are bound by Dharma .) 

Yoga is Samatvam or Equilibrium .  There should be improvement both in quantity and quality .  There should be growth in Power along with growth in inner strength and character .  Political power, military strength and economic growth should be firmly tied with Dharma or benevolence or virtuous values .  That was the reason why a powerful Bharat never led a military aggression on other lands and never ever caused economic aggression on and exploitation of resources in other lands in ten thousand years of known history .  A powerful Bharat has always been a glorious beacon light for the whole humanity, a Vishva - Guru .


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