யோ ந த்வேஷ்டி ந காங்க்ஷதி .. (அத்யாயம் 5 - ஶ்லோகம் 3)
Yo Na Dweshti Na Kaankshati ... (Chapter 5 - Shloka 3)
Meaning : One who neither hates nor aspires ...
This is definition of a Sanyaasee by Shree Krishna . Man definitely has expectations, aspirations .. That is natural . Hence we tend to conclude that one without any aspiration is a Sanyaasee . If we find some one near us who does not expose his aspirations, we say, "Oh ! He does not desire anything . He is a Sanyaasee ". We may find a few in our circles, who do not have have explicit desires . Ones with very minimum demands and needs may be a little more . But Shree Krishna's demand does not stop with desirelessness . He demands Hatelessness too . It is like demanding an object without any shadow .
Desire and despise, Repugnance and aspiration go together, come hand in hand . If there is an attraction, there definitely will be repulsion .. Aspiration to 'have one' means not wishing to have something else' . Desiring a favourable happening comes hand in hand with a fear or disapproval of an unfavourable happening . Yes . One is explicit and the other subtle. One is exposed and visible and the other hidden and invisible . But, these certainly co-exist . like Force and counter-force, like positive and negative in Electricity, hence inseparable . Discarding both is the only possibility . May be a difficult proposition but the only possible one .
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