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पद्म पत्रमिवान्भसा ... (अध्याय ५ - श्लोक १० )
பத்ம பத்ரமிவாம்பஸா ... (அத்யாயம் 5 - ஶ்லோகம் 10)
Padma Patramivaambhasaa ...  (Chapter 5 - Shlokam 10)

Meaning :  Like a Lotus leaf in water ..

This is one of the many beautiful analogies in Hindu texts .. Padma Patra , a lotus leaf remains in water, surrounded by water . but remains aloof, untouched by water . It does not allow water to soak or wet it . We live in this world , surrounded by worldly objects, worldly desires and contempts , worldly pleasures and pains , worldly achievements , worldly appreciations and other forms of gains, worldly institutions and positions therein .. We can not avoid being surrounded by these .  Isolation is not possible .. We may wish to run away to forests .  Living in Forest , cliff tops river banks away from people , is not possible for all .  Now a days resorts created by so called spiritual masters at foot hills of mountains like Velliyangiri , in forests like Ettimadai , on mountain tops like Rshikesh , offer 'quiet and peaceful' living to stressed and tensed executives ..  But , even a stay for a day in these places is a luxury and rates quoted are in lakhs ..   One has to return to the world to earn these huge amounts .  Running away from the world is not possible ..

The next alternative is "Padma Patramivaambhasa " .. live in the world like a Lotus Leaf in water, surrounded by water but unattached .  For instance, posts and positions ..  political, professional, social or Religious .  The posts are not permanent .  The man occupying the post is not permanent either .  Bharat Muni shows us the way . He ruled over Ayodhya for fourteen years . He was the king.  Yet, he was not the King . He ruled on behalf of Shri Rama .  He was firm that the position belonged to Shri Rama ..  He could rule efficiently because any lapse on his part would malign Shri Rama's name as the throne belonged to Him .  There is incident in Shri Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj's life ..  Samartha Shri Ramadas found a tinge of Ego in Shri Shivaji .  "I am the ruler .  I provide livelihood and food to all my subjects ", thought Shri Shivaji .  Shri offered Guru Dakshina and wanted Samartha Shri Ramadas to ask for anything desired .  Swami Ramadas demanded the empire ..  Shri Shivaji instantly handed over the empire to Swami Ramadas and started walking away .  Samartha Swami Ramadas stopped him and said , " You'll rule . Now that the empire is mine and not yours , you'll rule on my behalf ."

Be in it but do not allow that to enter you ...  Be surrounded by anything but do not allow it to engulf you ..  It is difficult , rather challenging .  But , practice, rigorous practice and  Cosciousness every moment .. should make this possible .  


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