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उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानं अवसादयेत्  ।  (अध्याय ६ - श्लोक ५)
உத்தரேதாத்மனாத்மானம்  நாதமானம் அவஸாதயேத்  ...  (அத்யாயம் 6 - ஶ்லோகம் 5)
Udhdharedaatmanaatmaanam Naatmaanam Avasaadayet ...  (Chapter 6 - Shloka 5)

Meaning  :  Always Elevate Self .  Never denigrate yourself .

Elevation , Improvement , is a thing to carried out through out the life .  Generally , we tend to compare self with others resulting in a competition with them ,.  The competition may be open as on streets in cities .  (Comparison with other vehicles and an impulsive speed race ..)  It may be secretive and happening in mind .  Colour of skin , house , social status , wealth , youthfulness etc . or anything else may be factor for comparison .  We aggressively or passively start putting in efforts with an intent to get the same for self .  This may be a long drawn affair and may stretch to many years .  The valuable Time which we got as Life on this planet might be lost in these petty competitions .  Life which ought to be a Garland of Achievements , gets caught and lost in this mire of Comparison - Jealousy - Competition - Excitement - Defeat - self pity and sadness .

If at all there is need for Comparison , it must be with self .  Only with self .  With one's own status at the present moment .  If Competition is unavoidable , it ought to be with self .  Such comparisons and Competitions should be instruments of inspiration for One step improvement .  "Let me perform better than the previous attempt " ;  "Let me move ahead , at least by one step " .  This attitude ensures (or most likely to ensure ..) Growth , a continuous improvement .  Efforts towards elevation of self may continue the whole Life Time .

Comparison and Competition with others tend to generate negative emotions like Jealousy , Fear , Excitement and Stress , Low esteem , grief etc .  In comparison with self , there is no space for these negative emotions .

Self Improvement in Gross and Subtle , open and hidden , Coarse and fine , materialistic and Spiritual matters can happen only through Self .  Others have no role .  (Some may be tempted to advise and guide , but that the most others can do .)  This is valid for Improvement in wealth status , social status , skills , education , post and positions , qualities and attitudes , excellence in music and such other talents , or any such field .  Shree Krishna also reiterates the same through this phrase .  "Improve yourself ... and through your own self ...  Every bit of Improvement , every single step in the direction of Elevation is an 'Achievement' in life .

When Shree Krishna says ,'Naatmaanam Avasaadayet' or  "Never be a cause for your own fall" , he says "Never Compare self with others" ;  "Never push self into Jealous competition with others " ;  "Never invest Time , a precious possession on petty efforts" ;  "Never fill your heart with lowly emotions" .  He says all these in not so many words .

Shree Krishna also insists that , 'You and only You can push self on the path of Elevation or the disastrous path of fall .  You , and only are responsible for Improvement and fall too .  Others have no role .


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