समं काय शिरोग्रीवम ... (अध्याय ६ - श्लोक १३)
ஸமம் காய ஶிரோக்ரீவம் ... (அத்யாயம் 6 - ஶ்லோகம் 13)
Samam Kaaya ShiroGreevam ... (Chapter 6 - Shloka 13)
Meaning : Holding the body (spine) , the neck and the head straight ...
Is it not a natural posture ? Has this to be suggested ? Yes . Humans tend to get away from nature while they involve in flimsy worldly enterprises . They have to be reminded of their real nature and need to be trained to return their real nature .
This suggestion by Shri Krishna is about physical posture , an erect spine and straight neck and the head . This posture is prescribed during meditation . But , this can be a posture at other times too . First , let us look at the effects if the posture is otherwise ... hunched back with drooped shoulders and head sunk into the neck . The weight of upper trunk falls on the abdomen thus straining the digestive system and lower part of the spine . This also results in protruded stomach line . The neck is a vital part of the body joining the lower part with the brain . A head sunk in to the neck retards blood flow into the brain . Such a distorted posture compresses the chest , thereby reducing Oxygen intake , in effect lowering energy level of the body . On the emotional side , a hunched back , drooped shoulders and a lowered head speak of fear , lack of self confidence and low esteem .
Eye contact is essential for effective communication . It inspires confidence and earns the deserved respect for the words spoken . Eye contact can not be seen in isolation . It is a part of the posture , erect spine , body held straight with neck and head held high .
The right posture with an erect spine , expanded chest , broad shoulders , neck and head held high , is helpful for healthier body and stronger mind . It also supports spiritual practices . In meditation , this posture helps in rise of Kundalini Shakti from the lowest spine (Mooladhara) towards the top (Sahasrara) .
For the animals on their four legs , this is natural . For Humans , this posture needs to be suggested and the body trained in it .
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