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यथा दीपो निवातस्थो  ...  (अध्याय ६ - श्लोक १९)
யதா தீபோ நிவாதஸ்தோ  ...  (அத்யாயம் 6 - ஶ்லோகம் 19)
Yathaa Deepo Nivaatastho  ...  (Chapter 6 - Shloka 19)

Meaning :  Just like the flame of a Lamp in wind-less place ....

Oxygen in air is essential for the lamp to burn .  But , if air moves (Movement of air is called Wind .) , the flame gets disturbed .  If the movement is frantic , the flame extinguishes .  In a place where wind is absent , the flame is steady , still and quiet .  There is only light .  The flame does not register its presence .

There are many such analogies used in the Gita .  (Gyaneshwari , a treatise in Marathi by Sant Gyaneshwar on the Gita , has lot more analogies .)  This one is used for Manas , Mind or Psyche ...  The Manas should be steady and calm .  Common trait of Manas is Chanchalta or wavering .  It does not be on one subject for long .  It just hops and hops .  Mano-Vega is a term used in Samskritam , denoting the speed of Manas .  It is faster than light .  It is here this moment and in almost no time it hops to another subject .  It can reach the other corner of this planet and even other planets , or beyond in fraction of a second .  Any act is easier than restraining the Manas.  It is the toughest and most challenging act for human .

The result of Adhyatmik practices , (I do not relish using the term Spiritual practice for this as 'Spirit' and 'Atman' do not have same connotations .) should be a Calm Manas , a steady Manas .  Just as the flame needs air (oxygen) , interaction with the world around is inevitable during our earthly life .  Mano-Nasha is a term in our Philosophy .  It is not killing of Manas .  It is not creation of a personality which is rude and unconcerned to experiences in the world .  The Manas of a Yogi is not rock-like .  He also is Compassionate .  He also relishes Coffee .  He also is amazed seeing a Nature's wonder .  But , he does not allow sensual interaction with the world to run amok .  He does neither crave for some interactions , nor does he desperately wish to avoid some others .  He just receives these in their strides .  In such a state , the Manas does not register its presence and is as though non-existent .  That is what denoted by a steady flame , in a wind-less place .

Apart from Desire and contempt (both are same and are two sides of the same coin .  One can not exist without the other .) Fear is also a factor which disturbs Manas .  That is why Abhayam or Fearlessness is listed as a Divine attribute .  Worry is another form of Fear .  A Samskrit saying (Subhashitam) says , "There is a minor difference between Chinta चिंता and Chita चिता .  Just a Dot .  While Chita burns the dead body , Chinta burns the Manas ."  Worry also disturbs the Manas a lot .

A balanced , calm person , with a dispassionate , fear-less , non-worrying Manas , can live an active , vibrant , multi-tasking life in the world and yet be undisturbed , like the flame of a Lamp in a wind-less room .


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