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शनैः शनैः उपरमेत्  ...  (अध्याय ६ - श्लोक २५)
ஶனைஹி  ஶனைஹி உபரமேத்  ...  (அத்யாயம் 6 - ஶ்லோகம் 25)
Shanaih Shanaih Uparameth  ... (Chapter 6 - Shloka 25)

Meaning :  Slowly , gradually be silenced ..

Quietening slowly , slowly .  Retiring slowly from worldly interests .  Withdrawing oneself within slowly , slowly .  The significant word is 'Slowly or Patiently' .Patience , Total patience is essential .

What may be the reasons for impatience ?  What causes man to impatiently want to finish off the work on hand quickly ?  "The urge to do something else , probably more important , more interesting , desire to enjoy rest and recreation after finishing off the work on hand , the lure of fruits of the work on hand , one of these may be responsible for one's impatience .  If one is forced or compelled to involve in a work , he may want to finish it off fast .  The one in whom 'sensual pleasure seeking dominates , also is impatient .

A student who has been assured of a movie after he finishes his examination wants to write fast and finish the exams at the earliest .  He does not , rather can not put in his best .  If a doctor , exhausted after a day's work , thinks of finishing off treatment to the last two patients and then go to rest , may not be able to focus fully in treatment .  If the priest had accepted one more work , he would wish to finish off the work on hand quickly .  Enquiries from the other place would even impel the priest to tall lies and tempt him to resort to short-cuts .  The best possible attitude while involved in a work is to regard the work as of supreme importance .  That should stimulate patience .

Now-a-days impatience is spreading like an epidemic .  Even children are affected by this disease .  Practice in any field demands patience .  Excellence in a skill or art is attained only with patience , utmost patience .  Practice on basic notes , (Sa , Re , Ga , Ma) is essential to develop as an expert Musician .  The basic lessons on "Foot-work" is essential for an aspirant in Classical Dance .  Basic lessons on letters and their pronunciation are essential for a student of a language .  Basic practice is uninteresting .  If a student regards this as boring and wants to cut short practice , he can never dream of becoming the Best .

We find many of the social workers , social reformers , Nationalists working for development of the Nation , the enthusiasts working to curb Religious conversion and those trying to stop Cow -Slaughter , also falling prey to this disease of getting emotionally excited and of getting Impatient .  Action must be be energetic and rigorous but mind should be peaceful and patient to the core .  Patience does not denote Inaction .  Patience does not mean false spiritualism convincing self that everything will be alright on its own .  Rapid action but patient mind is what suggested by Shri Krishna .

Patience is manifestation of unshakeable faith ... (Shraddha) .  A quiet and patient mind does not express in frantic sloganeering and emotional outbursts .  It expresses through action till the last breath in life .  The impatient slogan shouters run away from the field or get diverted to extortion , bullying or personal amoral sex .

Patience in worldly activities .  More patience in Aadhyaatmik (Spiritual ?) seeking .  Getting impatient and restless is futile .  "I have completed so many lakhs of Japa (Meditation ...) ;  I have visited so many temples and observed so many fasts ;  I have conducted so many (Homam or Havan) fire sacrifices ; But , have not experienced Divinity .  I have not yet got His blessings" .  This is the way the Impatient spiritual seeker moans .  We have travelled through  84 lakh Yonis (Births as so many Lives , plant and animal) and finally got a Human Life .  Should not we continue our efforts patiently for a few more years , may be for a few more births .  Spiritual practices should be observed with utmost patience and without a thought on the next moment .


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