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धर्माविरुद्धो भूतेषु कामोs स्मि भरतर्षभ  ।  (अध्याय ७ - श्लोक ११)
தர்மாவிருத்ததோ பூதேஷு காமோ(அ)ஸ்மி பரதர்ஷப  ...  (அத்யாயம் 7 - ஶ்லோகம் 11)
DharmaAviruddho Booteshu Kaamo(a)smi Bharatarshabha  ...  (Chapter 7 - Shloka 11)

Meaning :  I am the desire , which is not against Dharma ...

Bhooteshu Kaama Asmi ...  Dharma Aviruddha ...  I am Desire in every Life ... the desire which is not contrary to tenets of Dharma ...

What is Dharma bound Kaama ?  Is Dharma not Spiritual ?  How could there be Dharma in Kaama ?

Kaama means desire in general and desire that inspires sex in particular .  Desire is common to all lives .  Which is the desire , bound to Dharma ?  If hunger rises , desire for food is natural .  When the body has thirst , desire for water is natural .  Desire for rest and sleep is natural when the body gets exhausted .  Desire to get well is natural when the body gets unwell .  Efforts to fulfill these desires is also natural .  Anything that is part of nature is within bounds of Nature and can not be against Dharma .

The attraction between and bodily union of male and female specie of every life is also natural .  The desire that causes this is called Kaama .  This is essential for very existence and continuation of creation .  Creation will cease if Kaama disappears .  Hence , the Kaama or desire to get an offspring and the sexual act motivated by such a desire is Dharmik .  Any desire contrary to this is unnatural and adharmik ,against the tenets of Dharma .

Seekers of Paramaatman , seekers of Knowledge believe that sexual desire is against God and needs to be erased .  Hence , most of the spiritual seekers get out of the family or reject family , retire to secluded places and involve in practices .  In the sixteenth chapter , Shri Krishna also upholds similar view whenHe says that , "Kaama is doorway to the Hell" .  In the eighteenth chapter , He describes Sannyaasi as "the one who gives up desire propelled actions" .  We may conclude that desire being Natural , there could be no action without desire .  But , Shri Krishna does not prescribe 'giving up actions but wants us to delink from the desire for fruits of the action .  He wants us to get rid of the passion for work .  Hence , family life is not against Spiritual efforts .  Family life need not be given up for Spiritual Enlightenment .  Ashrama system suggested in Hindu Dharma also places Snnyaasa , the phase designed for Spiritual practices , as the last phase in life .  Sannyaasa Ashram may be entered only after passing through the Gruhasthashrama , the phase of Family Life .

Dharma , Artha , Kaama and Moksha are the four Purushaartha (the purpose of Human life ..) in human Life , according to Hindu Dharma .  Artha (material wealth) and Kaama (desires including sexual desire) must be within the bounds of Dharma and Moksha .  Dharma and Moksha are the two firm banks for Artha and Kaama to flow in our worldly life .Such a Kaama is to be despised or ignored .  Kaama , bound by Dharma is deified Paramaatmaa Himself .  "Dharma aviruddhah Kaama Asmi" . 'I am Desire , the desire that is within bounds of Dharma' , says Shri Krishna .


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