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आर्तो जिज्ञासु अर्थार्थी ज्ञानी  ।  (अध्याय ७ - श्लोक १६)
ஆர்தோ ஜிக்ஞாஸு அர்தார்தி க்ஞானி  ...  (அத்யாயம் 7 - ஶ்லோகம் 16)
Aartho Jigyaasu Arthaarthi Gyaani  ...  (Chapter 7 - Shloka 16)

Meaning :  One who pleads , the Curious , the one who demands and the Wise ...

Four types of devotees worship Me .  All the four types are Sukrutinah or men of Noble deeds .  They are 1 .  Aartha - One who complains , one who pleads for being rescued from those complaints ...  2 . Jigyaasu - one who is curious , one who views with a scanning vision ...  3 .  Arthaarthi - One who demands materials and money , one who demands ... 4 .  Gyaanee -  The wise , one who remains in his Joyous state .

A guest arrives at our home .  He is from a far off land .  He brings with him a lot of sweets , many types of clothes , variety of dolls and lots and lots of interesting informations about his town .  There are four sons in our family .  The first one sees all the items brought by the guest , goes to mother and cries and complains about non-availability of such items at home .  He is the Aartha type .

The second son curiously observes the guest and all that he brought .  "Where are you from ?"  "How is your place ?"  "How did you come ?"  "You have brought so many dolls .  How many children you have in your house ?"  "How are you related to us ?" etc . etc.  are the many questions he asks the guest .  He is not much interested in the things brought but is curious to know .  He is the Jigyaasu type .

The third son approaches the guest and demands or requests for sweets or dolls .  He places request for different type of doll and sweet , if and when the guest visits us the next time .  He is the Arthaarthi type .  He approaches with specific demand .

The fourth son joins others in welcoming the guest .  He bows down to the guest .  He remains there during preliminary introduction and talks .  Afterwards , he goes back to his book ar the activity he was involved in .  He does not disturb the guest , neither does he ignore and insult him .  He is not interested in the things brought by the guest and is contented .  He comes when called and receives whatever is given to him .  He is the Gyaanee type .

This phrase is useful in assessing one self .  Why do we approach  the God ?  Why do we worship God ?  What is the tone of our conversation with GOD ?  Is it a complaining tone or an enquiring one or a demanding one or a Loving one ?  Complaining devotee complains about absence of 'favourable' ones and presence of 'unfavourable or uncomfortable' ones ?  Demanding devotee always approaches the God with a list of demands and wants .  The inquiring devotee approaches Him with logic , arguments and questions .  The wise or Gyaanee devotee different .  He does not pester Him with complaints .  He has no demands .  He has no enquiry and doubts .  He just Loves Him .  He admires and adores Him .  No Inquiries , No complaints and No demands .


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