वासुदेवः सर्वम् । (अध्याय ७ - श्लोक १९)
வாஸுதேவஹ ஸர்வம் ... (அத்யாயம் 7 - ஶ்லோகம் 19)
Vaasudevah Sarvam ... (Chapter 7 - Shloka 19)
Meaning : Everything is Vaasudeva ...
Three aspects need to be understood in regard to this phrase ..
One ... Everything is Shri Vaasudeva . Everything in Creation ... Every life , every particle in Creation ... From the Micro - cell to Macro Universe ... Everything is Shri Vasudeva ...
If everything is Shri Vasudeva , then those which we presume to be bad , the repulsive , the destructive , the gory , the ugly ? Are these too Shri Vasudeva ..? Yes . Everything is Shri Vasudeva ... The Religions which originated from the Arabia , have a concept of Shaitaan or Devil ... The Shaitaan (Devil) is equally powerful and is responsible for anything ugly , bad , gory , destructive , etc . The God (Shri Paramaatman) is powerless in areas where Satan reigns . "Shri Paramaatman" is the Only One , according to Hindu Dharma . He is OmniPotent . There is nothing beyond Him . He rules over every bit of Creation .
Two ... Everything in Creation gets destroyed . If everything is Him , then does He too gets destroyed ? No . Creation is Manifestation of Him . Everything in His Creation nourish and work due to His Power . They are destroyed by Him . He is seed in every creation . He is the energy in every action . He was before Creation when nothing else had come into existence . He is in everything and He will be , when everything else is destroyed . He is Sat , He is the Only One to Exist . All of us in Creation appear to exist but are continuously moving towards death and destruction .
Three ... Everything is Shri Vasudeva . This declaration comes from Shri VasuDeva (Shri Krishna) Himself . Are these words of Shri Krishna similar to , "Jesus is the Only God ?" as siggested by Christian faith or "Yaa Ilaahaa Illalla" as suggested in Islam ? Does Shri Krishna prescribe Worship of Himself (Shri Vasudeva) , the son born to Devaki - Vasudeva , brought up by Yashoda - Nanda , the One who plays Bansi (Flute) and carries the Chakra (Sudarshan Wheel) , the One who killed Kamsa , Chanoora , the One who was Charioteer of Arjuna on Kurukshtra battle field ? Of course , that Shri Krishna is worth being worshipped is beyond doubts . But , any suggestion that He is the Only one to be worshipped is against Advaita , the fundamental Truth . He had taken a Human form , He grew and lived a Human Life and disappeared one day due to an arrow shot by an archer . To suggest that He is the Only One , that He is Everything may not be palatable . Yes . He was the One who had realized the , "I am a Drop of The Ocean , I am a spark in The Light" . In fact , the Gita was revealed when He was in such a state . Whenever Shri Krishna says , 'Me' or VasuDeva' He means the Eternal , the Niraakaara or Formless , the NirGuna or the One who is beyond attributes , Nirvikaara or the One beyond destruction and death , the Truth . He does not suggest Idol Worship here . He does not suggest worship of Shri Krishna the Form but Worship of the OmniPotent , OmniPresent , Omniscient , the Evere Existing Brahman is being suggested .
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