यो यो याम याम तनुम्भक्तः श्रद्धयार्चितुम् इच्छति , तस्य तस्याचलाम् श्रद्धाः तामेव विदधाम्यहम् । (अध्याय ७ - श्लोक २१)
யோ யோ யாம் யாம் தனும்பக்தஹ் ஶ்ரத்தயார்சிதும் இச்சதி தஸ்ய தஸ்யாசலாம் ஶ்ரத்தாஹ் தாமேவ விததாம்யஹம் ... (அத்யாயம் 7 - ஶ்லோகம் 21)
Yo Yo Yaam Yaam TanumBhaktah Shraddhayaarchtum Icchati Tasya Tasyaachalaam Shraddhaam Taameva Vidadhaamyaham ... (Chapter 7 - Shloka 21)
Meaning : I strengthen the Faith and Devotion of anyone , who devotedly worships any Divine Form in any way ...
Oh ! All of you who preach 'Secularism' to Bharat and Hindu society ... Please read this Phrase or Shloka in the Gita .. Secularism is a Constitutional provision in other countries , whereas it is a firm Conviction for Hindus . Sarva Pantha Sama Bhava or Equal Respect for every Path or Religion is a deeply ingrained attitude in Hindus since hoary past ...
Shri Krishna says , "Worship Me" . That is because of His Love for us . We may worship Shri Krishna in Form or we may worship the Omniscient , Omnipotent , Omnipresent Paramaatman who manifested as Shri Krishna . Here , He says , "Worship the Divine in any Form in any way . Worship with Devotion and Faith . I'll strengthen Devotion in you towards the Form you worship" .
He does not designate worshippers of other Forms as Kafirs and order them to be killed , as in Islam . He does not command destruction of Temples of other Divine forms , forceful conversion of people of other faiths . He has not been the cause for blood-soaked history of communities and Nations . "You are absolutely free to worship any form as you please" , says Shri Krishna .
Neither does He name the worshippers of other Forms as 'Pagans' , ex-communicate them , execute their killings in the name of Inquisition , convert them to own faith using force, deceitful ways or allurements as done by Christians . Shri Krishna has never been the cause of insurgency , enslavement and exploitation in countries as has been the Church .
Religious conversion is not prescribed in Hindu Dharma . This is based on Dharma or Truthful values . This is based on Devotion to Divinity . If any one approaches Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or Shri Ramana Maharshi or Kanch Paramacharya or any Sannyaasi with a plea to be converted to Hindu Faith , the response would be same . "You continue on your own Path with devotion and you are sure to obtain His Grace" .
But , a word of caution . This noble attitude itself might turn into a death trap for Hindu Dharma . Islam and Christianity cause animosity and divide communities with slogans of "my God and your God' . These are conspiracies to incite insurgency in countries and divide Nations . These are more political than Spiritual (Religious) Paths . The thousand years of our history is a proof in this regard . Even today , the happenings in Pakistan , Afghanistan and our own states Kashmir , Mizoram , Nagaland etc . testify this . Hence , Religious conversion to Christianity and Islam must be curbed . All those who have been already converted under influence of terror , deceit , allurements and conspiracies must be brought back to Hindu fold . This is an urgent and essential need , if Bharat with its Uniqueness is to be saved , if Hindu Dharma is to survive , if the noble spirit of equal respect for every Faith as enshrined in this phrase of the Gita is to survive , if Secularism as prescribed in our constitution is to survive .
Oh ! All of you who preach 'Secularism' to Bharat and Hindu society ... Please read this Phrase or Shloka in the Gita .. Secularism is a Constitutional provision in other countries , whereas it is a firm Conviction for Hindus . Sarva Pantha Sama Bhava or Equal Respect for every Path or Religion is a deeply ingrained attitude in Hindus since hoary past ...
Shri Krishna says , "Worship Me" . That is because of His Love for us . We may worship Shri Krishna in Form or we may worship the Omniscient , Omnipotent , Omnipresent Paramaatman who manifested as Shri Krishna . Here , He says , "Worship the Divine in any Form in any way . Worship with Devotion and Faith . I'll strengthen Devotion in you towards the Form you worship" .
He does not designate worshippers of other Forms as Kafirs and order them to be killed , as in Islam . He does not command destruction of Temples of other Divine forms , forceful conversion of people of other faiths . He has not been the cause for blood-soaked history of communities and Nations . "You are absolutely free to worship any form as you please" , says Shri Krishna .
Neither does He name the worshippers of other Forms as 'Pagans' , ex-communicate them , execute their killings in the name of Inquisition , convert them to own faith using force, deceitful ways or allurements as done by Christians . Shri Krishna has never been the cause of insurgency , enslavement and exploitation in countries as has been the Church .
Religious conversion is not prescribed in Hindu Dharma . This is based on Dharma or Truthful values . This is based on Devotion to Divinity . If any one approaches Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or Shri Ramana Maharshi or Kanch Paramacharya or any Sannyaasi with a plea to be converted to Hindu Faith , the response would be same . "You continue on your own Path with devotion and you are sure to obtain His Grace" .
But , a word of caution . This noble attitude itself might turn into a death trap for Hindu Dharma . Islam and Christianity cause animosity and divide communities with slogans of "my God and your God' . These are conspiracies to incite insurgency in countries and divide Nations . These are more political than Spiritual (Religious) Paths . The thousand years of our history is a proof in this regard . Even today , the happenings in Pakistan , Afghanistan and our own states Kashmir , Mizoram , Nagaland etc . testify this . Hence , Religious conversion to Christianity and Islam must be curbed . All those who have been already converted under influence of terror , deceit , allurements and conspiracies must be brought back to Hindu fold . This is an urgent and essential need , if Bharat with its Uniqueness is to be saved , if Hindu Dharma is to survive , if the noble spirit of equal respect for every Faith as enshrined in this phrase of the Gita is to survive , if Secularism as prescribed in our constitution is to survive .
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