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सहस्र युग पर्यन्तम् अहर्यद्ब्रह्मणः  ।  (अध्याय ८ - श्लोक १७)
ஸஹஸ்ர யுக பர்யந்தம் அஹர்யத்ப்ரஹ்மணஹ ...  (அத்யாயம் 8 - ஶ்லோகம் 17)
Sahasra Yuga Paryantham Aharyad Brahmanah ...  (Chapter 8 - Shloka 17)

Meaning :  Brahma's day is Thousand Yug ... Obviously Brahma's night too is thousand Yuga long ...

This statement by Shri Krishna speaks of the Knowledge Hindus had developed even in Vedik times ...

I give below the Hindu Time system .  It has already been explained in the fourth chapter.  It is given once more as it suits the topic being discussed presently.

The shortest unit in time was ‘Truti’ and the longest ‘Kalpa’
100 Truti                      =                 1 Tatpara
60 Tatpara                    =                 1 Para
60 Para                         =                 1 Viliptham
60 Viliptham                =                 1 Liptham
60 Liptham                  =                 1 Vinazhi
60 Vinazhi                    =                 1 Nazhi
60 Nazhi                       =                 1 Day (24 Hours)
(30 Nazhi each day and night)

7 Days                           =                 1 Sapthaham
                                                           (Week . Week starts with Sunday , not Monday)

The day next to Amavasya (Prathama) to the next Amavasya or the day next to Poornima to the next Poornima = 1 month (Lunar Calendar .)  Paksha is Half month .  There are two Pakshas (Fortnight) , Krishna and Shukla (The dark fortnight and Bright fortnight) Amavasya to Poornima (New Moon to Full Moon) is Shukla Paksha and Poornima to Amavasya is Krishna Paksha .

Chaitra , Vaishaakha , Jyeshta , Ashaada , Shravana , Bhadrapada , Ashwin , Karthik , Margasheersha , Pushya , Magha , Phalguna are the twelve months in Lunar Calendar .  Lunar month is shorter than solar month by almost one day .  Hence , one extra month (Adhika Maasa) is added to the lunar calendar to match it with Solar calendar .  That is a brilliant step by Hindus in astro calculations .

Sankranti to Sankranti (around 30 days) = 1 month ( in Solar calendar .)

The circular path of Earth is divided into 12 angles or Rashis (This calculation is circular .) ...  (Sun's position vis-a-vis Earth is divided into twelve parts called Rasis .  This calculation is Linear .)  These are 12 Solar months .  Months start on Sankranti , when the Sun enters a Rashi .  In reality , earth enters the next angle in its circular path , but for calculations , Sun's transposition on earth is considered .  Hence , Sun seems to enter the next Rashi .  Mesha , Rshabha , Mithuna , Kataka , Sihma , Kanya , Thulaa , Vrischika , Dhanu , Makara , Kumbha and Meena are names of the 12 Solar Months .  Year starts with Mesha Sankranthi .  Makara Sankranthi is most popularly known .

Ashada Sankranti to Pushya Sankranti is Dakshinayana and Pushya to Ashada Sankranti is Uttarayana .  (Half Years based on northward and southward travel of Sun vis-a-vis earth .)

Yuga is the next unit .  There are 4 Yuga .  Satya Yug (Krutha Yug) has 17,28,000 years .  Tretha Yug has 12,96,000 years.  Dwapara Yug has 8,64,000 years.  Kali Yug has 4,32,000 years .  A cycle of four Yug , a Chatur Yug thus has 43, 20, 000 years .

43,20,000 Years                   =                 1 Chatur Yug
71 Chatur Yug                        =                 1 Manvantharam
14 Manvantharam                =                 1 Kalpa
1 Kalpa                                    =                 ½ a day in Brahma’s life (a day or a night)
720 Kalpa                               =                 1 year in Brahma’s life
100 Brahma years                =                 1 Mahakalam (Pralayam)
(311,040,000,000,000 years or 311 Trillion years)
(End of One Brahma and start of the next ...  i.e. end of one cycle of creation and start of the next ..)

Time is astounding .  Knowledge of Time can induce Knowledge of the Creator .  Our lifespan is but minute speck of Time in whole .  Time is Anaadi and Ananta ..  Beginning less and Endless .  Time is regarded as God .  YamaDeva is presiding Deity of Time .  Shiva is Akaala , Beyond the limitations of Time .  (All the Christian 'prophecies' that the world will come to an end on Sept 23rd or Dec.31 and so on are Absolute Nonsense .)

Time is Absolute .  But , is also subjective and Relative .  It is dependant on the state of mind and place .  Time which is very long for one is short for another .  Time too short in a place may be too long at another .  For instance , time appears to move fast when you are energetic and enthusiastic .  When sad and depressed , time seems to move very slow .  When involved in a work close to the heart , time appears to move fast .  When forced to involve in work not relished , time appears slow .  Time runs faster in Mercury , and very slow in Saturn .  In the world of memory and dreams , a few years pass within seconds .

An insect finishes all its tasks , takes birth , grows , earns , mates , produces next generation and dies , in its short lifespan of few hours .  Many animals achieve in a few years , all that man takes seventy years to achieve .

A day or night in the world of Devas is a fortnight in the world of ancestors (Pitruloka) and an Ayanam or six months in this world of men .  The brighter half of our year , Uttarayana (Jan - June) is brighter fortnight , Shukla Paksha (New moon – Full moon) in Pitruloka and day in Devaloka .  The darker half of our year , Dakshinayana (June - Jan) is darker fortnight , Krishna Paksha (Full moon – New moon) in Pitruloka and night in Devaloka .  The period which is a few lakh years in human world is just a day or a night in Brahma Loka .


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