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अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो माम्  ।  (अध्याय ९ - श्लोक २२)
அநந்யாஶ்சிந்தயந்தோ மாம்  ...  (அத்யாயம் 9 - ஶ்லோகம் 22)
AnanyaashChintayanto Maam  ...  (Chapter 9 - Shloka 22)

Meaning :  Always plunged in thoughts on Me ...  There is no alternate thought .. (Ananya)

We have two choices .  Creation and The Creator .  The world and Him ...  The Physical and The Spiritual ...  We may live for the Creation or for Him ...  (Creation includes everything ..from body to the whole world ..)

Option 1 -  Live for the world .  Thought on the body , its needs , money , family , comforts , name and fame , reputation , influence , etc . dominate the mind .  Worldly activities , like business , communication , negotiation , enterprise , employment , etc . may become easier with such a state of mind .  More focussed mind might help in making these and other worldly activities more efficient .  But , the same mind , with dominant thoughts on the world , will be a handicap , when involved in Divine or Godly activities .  We see this in our temples .  Most enter , 'pay visits' to God , run around and exit the temple , in such a speed , as though they are walking on fire .  Even when on so called 'Religious tour' , they hop from one temple to another at lightening speed , only to cover as many temples in the short vacation .  They can not sit in meditation even for a few minutes .  Not even meditation .  They can not sit quietly in a posture for a few minutes .  They can not sit through one hour of Bhajans or a discourse on the Gita .  Even when they perform rituals like Homam (Havan) for selfish (worldly) desires , they can not focus on the ritual .  They take calls on mobile phone , walk away to 'welcome' so called guests or indulge in silly comments , jokes and enquiries .  These same persons can spend hours watching nonsense serials on TV or in cinema halls .  They leisurely walk through corridors in a mall , gazing at unworthy items .  The thoughts on world make them restless and anxious .

Option 2 -  Live for The God .  Thoughts on Him , His Grace , His Attributes , His great creation , His Love for His creation , His appearance , etc . dominate .  Such a state of mind calms .  Actions related to Him become easier and more efficient .  Meditation , presence in Bhajan , sitting through a discourse , performing a Havan , worship in a temple , trekking towards a hill top temple , dip in a holy river , all these are performed in a relaxed and peaceful mood and these actions in turn relax and quieten the mind .  What is the effect on worldly activities ?  The essential activities like business or employment or managing an industry or professions like accountancy , legal and medical practice , become enjoyable .  there is every chance of these activities being performed more efficiently and more purposefully .  When thoughts on the Divine dominate , every action is performed for Him and the result offered to Him and anything that comes is received with Joy as His Blessing .  There is no anxiety , stress or depression .  There is Joy , never diminishing Joy , both in Divine activities and worldly activities .  Such a man becomes a source of Joy for persons around .

Is such a state possible ?  Ananyaaschinyantah .. I know mothers , who cook all the while singing His praise .  No urge to taste the food while being prepared , no anxiety about appreciation or criticism by diners , no frustration about the work load , ..  They remain Joyful .  They enthusiastically take up work .  Their preparations never disappoint in taste .  They cook for Him .  I know traders who sit quietly in their shops even when there is no visitor , never anxious at lack of business and never excited at extra business .  They receive callers , inquiries verily as God Himself entering their shops .  They involve in hectic business activities when needed and during lean hours sit quietly and read the Gita .  They are in business for Him .  Every next business is for Him and every Paisa earned is His Prasad .

Ananyaaschintayanto Maam ...  Remain engrossed on thoughts on Me , only on Me . 


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