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योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम्  ।  (अध्याय ९ - श्लोक २२)
யோகக்ஷேமம் வஹாம்யஹம்  ...  (அத்யாயம் 9 - ஶ்லோகம் 22)
YogaKshemam Vahaamyaham  ...  (Chapter 9 - Shloka 22)

Meaning :  I will take care of your Yoga and Kshema .

Yogam is 'providing' and Kshemam is 'protecting' .  These are two basic works all of us do .  Procurement and Maintenance .  We buy or procure things , right from petty ones like pen , comb to 'once in a life' items like a Home or a Car .  We maintain these for effective use .  Shri Krishna says He'll do these two works .

Will He do these for all ?  He says , "I'll do these for those who do not think about anything alse and are always filled up with thoughts on Me" .

The personal and essential needs of the ones who are plunged in benevolent activities and thoughts and who never think of or put in any effort to earn their needs , are always met .  Sadhus and Hindu mothers are glorious examples in this regard .

A Sadhu does not bother about his personal needs like food , clothes , a roof for night sleep .  He gets all these without any effort on his part .  He does not develop a system for fulfillment of his needs .  Yet , his needs reach him .

Mothers in our homes never think and act for themselves .  If a mother is involved in a work , it has to be concerning the home or others in the family .  If she is engrossed in a thought , the thought definitely would be about the house or others in the family .  "Me - My needs - My concerns" etc . never form part of her thoughts and actions .  Yet , her needs are taken care of , without her to bother about these or without her having to remind others about these .  There is no formal system in the families in this regard , yet ...

In my life , these words of Shri Krishna have been confirmed on so many occasions .  I have never put in efforts to earn .  My resolve not to strive for personal (worldly) needs has been strong .  Yet , Shri Krishna has given me everything , in fact , much more than what I deserve .

There is a condition tagged to this .  I should not bother about what is Yogam and Kshemam for me .  He , not me , should decide what are to be gotten by me and what all in my possessions need to be protected .  I should not be even least bothered .  In fact , even thoughts on these should not arise in me .  "He knows what are my needs .  He will take of these .  Is it not ridiculous to decide what I need and what in my possession need to be protected and then call him to execute my demands ?  You may call Him a thousand times .  He'll not come .  He will definitely not come .

There lived one Shri Mihir Baba in Snd area .  He used to lecture on Spiritual'ism' .  All his three sons were afflicted with smallpox infection and died .  He was very much upset .  Though he talked on Spiritual matters , he could not take sudden death of all sons on the same day .  He cried .  He refused food .  He was hysterical .  His wife consoled him saying , "He gave us these children .  Children were His .  Now , He has taken them back" .  She had never read the texts .  She never talked on Spiritual matters .  But , her words bore deep Spiritual intent .  Shri Mihir Baba turned into a Sadhu .  Thereafter , his lectures matched his Spiritual maturity .

Shree Rama was taking out His arrows and planting those in sand on seashore .  He took those back and cleaned each and replaced in his quiver .  One of the arrows had pierced a frog .  It was almost smashed .  Shri Rama was deeply perturbed .  "Oh !  Why did you not raise a cry as soon as tip of the arrow touched you ?"  "Hey Rama !  I have been chanting your Name since my birth and You have provided me with all essentials .  Look at my hale and healthy body .  Every cell of it is a product of best foods you gave me .  Now , the very same Rama has given me an arrow tip .  Why should I protest against it ?  I have accepted all the nutritious food given by you .  Whatever you give is a Prasad for Me .  Food was your blessing .  Arrow tip also is Your blessing" , replied the frog .

May He decide what is Yogam and Kshemam for us ...  "YogaKshemam Vahaamyaham" ...


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