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येऽप्यन्य देवता भक्ता यजन्ते  ...  तेऽपि मामेव यजन्ति  ...  अविधिपूर्वकम् ।  (अध्याय ९ - श्लोक २३)
யேப்யந்ய தேவதா பக்தா யஜந்தே  ...  தேபி மாமேவ யஜந்தி  ...  அவிதி பூர்வகம்  ...  (அத்யாயம் 9 - ஶ்லோகம் 23)
Yepyanya Devataa Bhaktaa Yajante ...  Tepi Maameva Yajanthi -  AvidhiPoorvakam .. (Chapter 9 - Shlokam 23)

Meaning :  Those who worship other Gods , also worship Me , but against the Norms ... 

Jesus claims , "I am a Jealous God" .  I don't know what is he jealous about .  Jealous about other Gods ??  Jealous because these Gods have so many followers ??  That is probably why Church goes with all its might to convert these followers to Christianity .  It uses every means to make these followers forget their own Gods and and follow Jesus .  The Church and its agents do not hesitate to destroy places of Worship of 'other Gods' and even kill those who refuse to convert to Christianity .  Effect of 'intense Jealousy' .

Does Shri Krishna express similar feelings in this phrase ?  Does He say , "I am the Only God" ?  On the contrary , He says , "Those who worship other Gods , worship Me .  Their worship reaches Me" .  This is an expression of an age-old conviction in Bharat .  "You may worship any Form .  Your worship reaches the One and Only God .  Forms are but different manifestation of the One God" .  This conviction finds its roots in the Vedas .  It is deeply rooted in Hindu minds .  That is why there is no hostility in Hindu minds for Jesus and Allah , despite innumerable brutalities , atrocities inflicted on Hindus by agents of these Religions .

But , why does Shri Krishna declare worship of other Gods as , 'against norms' ?  When He says 'Yajante' , Shri Krishna does not mean 'worship' in usually known way , that is worship with flowers and hymns .

Most of us seek worldly objects like wealth , power , fame , etc .  We seek these passionately .  Our minds are full of thoughts about these .  Every cell in our body actively participates in our actions to achieve our desire .  Our every thought and action are inspired by this desire .  In such a state , our Deity of worship is 'Wealth' or 'Power' or 'Fame' or any other thing we seek /  Our worship is sum together of our thoughts , actions , passion , dream etc .  We are as though in an intense penance to be showered with blessings of these Deities .  No other thought finds space in us other than the Deity being worshipped .  This state is no less than that of a Bhakta or devotee .  Shri Krishna never the less calls the seeker as Bhakta or Devotee and his efforts as worship , but 'against the norms' .

One seeks 'Wealth' .  The other seeks 'Power or position' .  Some other seeks 'Fame' .  All of them live for attainment of these .  They remain plunged in thoughts on these .  Why ?  The seeker of wealth feels he can get 'never diminishing' joy or happiness on getting wealth .  The seeker of Power feels he can become offset his impotency or insufficient potency and become 'OmniPotent' on getting the position .  The seeker of fame feels he can attain eternity through fame .  Is this possible ?  No .  Wealth may buy you a few objects of pleasure and comfort .  But , wealth , even lots and lots of wealth can not buy Joy .  No .  It can not even buy you 100% pleasure , pleasure without any trace of pain or grief or disappointment .  Position definitely bestows some power .  But the power is very limited , limited in time period , limited in the domain , limited in effectivity .  No position , however powerful it may appear , can give you Aishwarya , perfect reign over everything .  Fame can get a few statues erected , a few plaques with your name on it , a granite or marble stone memorial for you .  But fame can never get you Eternity , deathless Permanency .  This is The Truth , harsh and bitter .

That is why Shri Krishna calls these efforts as 'against the norms' .  The Objective is one but efforts are on a path that will never lead you to your objective .  This is the reason Shri Krishna calls this to be against the norms .

Wealth , Position , Fame etc . are the Deities .  (Shri Krishna calls these 'other Deities')  Those who seek these passionately are Worshippers 'Ananya Bhakta' but worshippers of other Deities .  They may get what they seek but will never get what they wish to attain through these objects and hence their efforts are 'against the norms' ,


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