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यान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितॄन यान्ति पितृव्रता: ।  भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपि माम् ।।  (अध्याय ९ - श्लोक २५)
யாந்தி தேவவ்ரதா தேவான் , பித்ரூன் யாந்தி பித்ருவ்ரதாஹ ...  பூதாநி யாந்தி பூதேஜ்யா மத்யாஜினோsபி மாம்  ...  (அத்யாயம் 9 - ஶ்லோகம் 25)
Yaanti DevaVrataa Devaan Pitroon Yanti PitruVrataah ..  Bhootaani Yanti Bhootejyaa Yanti Madyaajino(a)pi Maam ...  (Chapter 9 - Shloka 25)

Meaning :  Those who worship the Gods attain Godhood .  Those who worship ancestors reach ancestral homes .  Those who worship the Devil attain devilish psyche .  Those who worship Me attain Me .

What we seek is definitely attained by us .  We get only that we aspire to get .  If we seek petty things or status , we get those .  If what we seek is higher and nobler , we are bound to get those .

What is the factor responsible for what we seek to gain or achieve ?  The primary factor is our "Inherent Nature" .  An IAS Officer used to beg with me to arrange for his introduction with a powerful central minister .  The desperation shown by him made me wonder if he was an IAS or a watchman .  I do not say this to demean the watchman .  I know many ordinary men who do not cherish any petty desire .  I say this because , we do not usually expect an IAS officer to aspire and beg for an introduction with a minister .  This expectation is wrong .  Most of us carry such wrong notions .

There was a Tamil film titled , "One with fair skin will do no wrong" .  That is an absurd notion .  "A rich person will not have petty desires" ;  (Scenes of travelers grabbing fistful of sugar candies or begging for a second drink in flights are common .  Similarly , scenes in banquets of the wealthiest persons chasing stalls serving numerous sweets and savouries , are also common .)  "The higher educated ones are bolder and fearless" ;  (Again , this is a wrong notion .  I observe many highly educated persons from close quarters and find them to be weak kneed .  They do not even dare to express their opinion , even if they feel it is wrong or unjust .  There have been many high educated ones who opposed the British rule and participated in freedom struggle .  But , in post independence history of almost 70 years , not many have dared to come out openly in support of a social cause , seen to be against the Government's thinking .)  "Those in powerful positions do not resort to sycophancy" .  (This also is false .  We see so many high level officers who serving the Government and many politicians holding powerful ministerial berths stooping before the 'Boss' in the ruling party .  Their backs remain permanently hunched due stooping down for long , in their efforts to please their political masters )  "The old aged are not childish" .  There are so many 60 , 70 , even 80 years olds around us who wear bermudas or half trousers , dye hair to hide grey ones , apply scents and body sprays and indulge in childish petty acts and talks .

May be these notions were true in the past .  But , now as the result of English designed education system and prominence of pleasure seeking and priority attached to comforts and sensual happiness , these are almost impossible prepositions .  Whether one is young or old , whether one is highly educated or uneducated , whether one holds a powerful post or an ordinary post , whether one is wealthy or not do not matter at all .  The basic inherent Nature is most important .  The level of one's desires and dreams depend on the Nature .  The intensity of the desires is a crucial factor .  Anything one seeks intensely will definitely reach him or her .

Can level of seekings and desires be raised ?  Can Inherent Nature (Swabhava) be fine-tuned ?  From my own observation , I would say No .  It is next to impossible .  Acharya Shri Rajaneesh used to say , "One who enters the world sucking his thumb , is carried to the cemetery also with his thumb in his mouth" .  That is because , most of us do not realize the need to change .  Desire to change is absent .  And there is no honest effort to change .

Is it impossible to change basic Nature (Swabhava) ?  Can the level of things sought in life never be raised ?  Yes . It is possible , possible in rare cases .  It is possible as the result of sustained and strenuous efforts .  Introspection , vigilant watch over words , speech and thoughts of self , assessment of self , companionship of noble souls (SatSanga) etc . should make transformation of Swabhava possible .  Seekings and desires in life may be fine tuned .  If not in present life , it should definitely be possible in future life .


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