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मोघाशा मोघ कर्माणो मोघ ज्ञाना विचेतसः राक्षसीम् मोहिनॆम्  ।  (अध्याय ९ - श्लोक १२)
மோகா மோக கர்மாணோ மோக க்ஞானா விசேதஸஹ ராக்ஷஸீம் மோஹினீம்  ...  (அத்யாயம் 9 - ஶ்லோகம் 12)
Moghaashaa Mogha Karmaano Mogha Gyaanaa Vichetasah Raakshaseem Mohineem ...  (Chapter 9 - Shloka 12)

Meaning :  Mogha is 'in vain' or 'unworthy' .. Mogha Aasha is 'unworthy hopes ...  Mogha Gyaan is unworthy knowledge ...  Mogha Karma is unworthy efforts ..  These cause delusion ..  These confuse our discretion .  These infuse rash , roguish attitude .

Who is Ignorant ?  One who rejects worthy knowledge , positive beliefs and purposeful deeds is  ignorant .  Over and above this , one collects unworthy Knowledge , junk beliefs and meaningless actions .  What do we call him ?  Shri Krishna does not stop with names like 'ignorant' , fool , but goes further and calls him 'deluded' , 'devilish' , 'one whose intellect is blurred ' ... etc .  Some harsh words used by Shri Krishna ...

Asha can be translated as 'belief' , 'faith' ' hope' etc .in English .  Hope is said to be base of life .  Which are unworthy ones ?  The rationalists , agnostics or atheists make a list of superstitions and condemn these .  Looking for good omens , tying bells or green melon to drive off evil , tying bands and threads support from 'super-powers' and many such things .  They regard themselves to be outside these herds of 'superstitious believers' .  They may feel delighted at Shri Krishna's words .  But , are these the only 'unworthy beliefs' ?  Most of us hold on to 'hopes' which seem normal and we do not categorize as 'superstition'.  'Today's favourable experiences will repeat' ;  'Unfavourable experiences will never repeat in future' ;  'The mistakes committed by others in their failed attempts will never be repeated by me and I will be successful' ;  'I hope , my follies will be overlooked or excused and I will get good results' ;  'My action plan is perfect and everything will happen as predicted' ;  'No one knows my misdeeds .  Hence , I'll definitely not be caught' ;  'I am sure to be successful' ;  'I am strong .  Will not be caught in these luring traps' ;  'I exercise regularly .  No disease will dare to catch me' ;  'I am born to live long' ;  etc . etc .  Every one of these is Mogha Asha ... hopes in vain ...

Knowledge is Holy .  Gaining knowledge is a prior activity .  True .  But , filling all crap in the name of knowledge ?  A monkey has to learn a few jumps, a few hops and a few other actions to earn its daily bread .  That is not Knowledge .  Today's education system is stuffing all sorts of 'information' in students' brains .  These may gain him a job , a few awards but not Light within, light that will guide him .  All these are Mogha Gyaan , or unworthy knowledge .

Which are Mogha Karma or worthless actions ?  Efforts to catch the shadow ?  Efforts to straighten dog's tail ?  These efforts are obviously in vain ...  Not only these , most of the actions of most of us are similar .  A dog chews a bone , a dry bone .  The bone has nothing to offer to the dog .  The dog , without any other work to do , continues to chew the bone .  The bone causes cuts and bruises in dog's mouth .  Now , the dog tastes blood , its own .  The dog is unaware that it is his own blood and continues to chew , seemingly enjoying the 'tasty' bone .  Most of us are like this dog , involved in unworthy acts .  We need money for survival .  But , the mad run after money , more money , ever-full money pots ;  investing time , efforts , relationships , health for earning more and more money ; is Mogha Karma .  To inquire "Who am I ?" and efforts to find an answer is meaningful .  .  But , efforts to show to one and all , "Who I am ?" are vain efforts .  To feed the body with right food , exercise and rest is wisdom .  To stuff the belly with all sorts of items on the menu card , at all times of a day is unworthy action .  To chase doctors and specialists and super specialists , swallow multi coloured pills is unworthy action .  Efforts to stop onset of old age are vain .  Efforts to avoid negative results after indulging in falsehood , illegal activities .  These are like efforts to taste sweet fruits after planting , watering a poisonous one .

Is it essential ?  Will ir help in my improvement in material view or in my progress in Spiritual view ?  Let us test our Beliefs , Knowledge and Actions in the light of these questions and accept only if we get Yes as answer .  Let us discard any belief , knowledge and action which are unworthy and lead a Meaningful Life .


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