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समोऽहं सर्व भूतेषु , न में द्वेष्योsस्ति न प्रियः  ...  (अध्याय ९ - श्लोक २८)
ஸமோ(அ)ஹம் ஸர்வ பூதேஷு , ந மே த்வேஷ்யோsஸ்தி ந ப்ரியஹ ...  (அத்யாயம் 9 - ஶ்லோகம் 28)
Samo(a)ham Sarva Bhooteshu , Na Me Dweshyo(a)sti Na Priyah  ...  (Chapter 9 - Shlokam 28)

Meaning :  All creatures are equal to Me .  None is hated or preferred by Me .

Every one of her children is equal to a mother .  She can not have contempt for one and affection for another .  Similarly , for the Creator , every Life is equal .  Shri Krishna says here , "I do not have preferred affection for a few and contempt for others" .  What is the necessity for such a declaration ?

Yes .  It is true that all lives are equal for Him .  He does not have preferential love or contempt for any .  But , he is responding to doubts arising in our minds .  We see so many disparities in creation .  Disparities based on financial status , Intellect , Qualities , Talents and Capacity , Opportunities , physical and health status ...

Some are born in poverty , live the whole life in penury and remain poor when leaving the world ..  Some others are born rich , grow up and die in plenty .  There are thousands of possible status between these two extremes .  Some are born talented , get perfect opportunities and shine in life .  Others strive hard to develop talents .  There are some with extra-ordinary talents , but lack of opportunities and connections block their growth as successful personalities .  On the contrary , there are some who outshine their own eligibility .  There are also a few well talented who prefer to remain out of limelight .  Similarly , sharp ordinary and dull are the main grades in intellect with hundreds of intermediary ones .  The qualities too vary in a wide range from demoniac to Divine .  Colour of the skin , hight , ability and disability , define physical disparities .  Being male and female add to the range of physical disparities .  Chronic illness to blessed weeness are the extreme health status .  There are millions of combinations of the above mentioned factors for disparities .  The Creation thus looks full of disparities .

Many queries arise in our minds on seeing these disparities .  "If the Creator was One , should not all the lives be born equal , get equal opportunities , experience similar pains and pleasures , and leave the world ?  Why so many disparities ?"  "If there are so many disparities , then should we not assume that not all lives are equal to Him ?"  "Are we wrong in seeing Him as showing contempt for some lives and affection for some other lives ?"

Shri Krishna says , "No .  Never .  All lives are equal to Me .  I do not hold any contempt or special love for any of these lives ."  Then , how do you explain these disparities ?

Rains shower .  Rains shower for all .  Rains do not have preferential attachment for few and dislike for others .  But ... the pot with its mouth open towards the sky receives rains and gets filled with nectar like water .  What about the pot - upside down ?  Rain falls flows on the pot also but water is lost and the pot remains empty .  The ponds and lakes cleaned up , desilted and prepared receive rains and are filled with water while lakes , ponds and canals encroached by bush , garbage and human constructions not only fail to receive rains but also become causes for disastrous flooding of surrounding areas .  The conch floating on the sea open to the skies receives a drop of rain water , continues its silent meditation at the bottom of the sea and produces a beautiful pearl .  There are thousands of conches , refusing to receive a rain drop and destined to be dumped .Rains can not be held responsible for different effects on different lives .

The Sun shines and He shines for all .  He has no preferences .  But , do all the Lives take equal advantage of His Light and Heat ?  No .  How can Sun be held accountable for consequences , due to ignorance or laziness or lack of right attitude in Lives ?

Shri Paramaatman has His eyes on all of us lives .  But , what if some turn away from Him ?  What if some show their backs to Him , face the world and chase transient pleasures of the world ?  What if some plunge in "glorious attractions" of the world and hide selves from Him ?

His Grace is bound to come .  He'll definitely shower His Grace   But , Lives are expected to play a part , asmall part .  Lives must turn towards Him .  They must center their lives around Him .  Shri Krishna says , "Even the most fallen man , if he turns towards Me , will instantly become a Sadhu .  We'll hear this in the next episode of PHRASES in THE GITA ...


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