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मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु  ...  (अध्याय ९ - श्लोक ३४)
மன்மனா பவ மத்பக்தோ மத்யாஜீ மாம் நமஸ்குரு  ...  (அத்யாயம் 9 - ஶ்லோகம் 34)
Manmanaa Bhava MadBhakto MadYajee Maam Namaskuru  ...  (Chapter 9 - Shlokam 34)

Meaning :  Fix your Mind on Me .  Direct your devotion on Me .  Perform sacrifice for Me .  Bow down before Me .

This is a formula phrase , a formula to lead "Paramaatma centered life .  Fix your Mind on Me .  Direct your devotion on Me .  Perform sacrifice for Me .  Bow down before Me .

Fix the mind on Him .  Fill the mind with thoughts on Him .  Such a mind is not disturbed by worldly experiences , nor is it lured by worldly attractions .  It remains soaked in Joy and also is a source of Joy for others around .

Remain devoted to Him .  Direct your whole devotion to Him .  Devotion only to God .  The one and only direction of devotion is Shri Paramaatman .  The one and only Object of devotion is Shri Paramaatman .  Devotion in Humans normally is scattered and multi-directional .  The king or the ruler and other Governmental Institutions which protect , the 'Boss' who is the cause and source of regular income , the doctor who strives to rid the body of ailments in the body , the actor , the musician and other artists who entertain and freshen up the mind are few of the many who may be objects of our worship and devotion .  This is the status of those who hold the world as primary .  For the one who leads 'Paramaatma - centered life and directs all his devotion to Him , the king , the boss , the doctor , the actor , other artists are all manifestations of the Divine .  There is no conflict in him in being with Him and leading a worldly life .  He is never lured by the sensual attractions and never gets trapped in the world .

Efforts , sacrifices and Havans to attain worldly pleasures , positions and powers are very common .  Performing all these for Him is a rarity .  He appears to be involved in worldly activities , but is never lost in those .

"Bow down to Me" says Shri Krishna .  This helps form a mindset which declares , "I am not a subject to anyone" .  We are a community which has continuously produced men who could dare even death .  "Be fearless to death" commands the Gita .  He who bows down to Him , holds His feet firmly , need not beg , bow down or fear any power on the earth .  No power can terrorize and force such souls .  Only such Sadhus stood firmly against the atrocious and blood-thirsty mughal rulers .

ManManaa ... Bhava MadBhaktah ... Madyaajee ...  Maam Namaskuru ...  He alone ..  Nothing other than Him ...


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