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स्थावराणां हिमालयः ...  (अध्याय १० - श्लोक २५)
ஸ்தாவராணாம் ஹிமாலயஹ ...  (அத்யாயம் 10 - ஶ்லோகம் 25)
Sthaavaraanaam Himaalayah ...  (Chapter 10 - Shlokam 25)

Meaning :  Among the Stationary objects , I am the Himalaya ...

Bharat is a Punya Bhoomi , Bharat is a Divine Land ... The Himalayas instantly appear before our eyes when we say this .  Hima or Hema means Snow ..  Himalaya means 'Abode of Snow' .

The Himalays stands majestically in the north of Bharat and ranges from the North West corner (Afghan border) to the North East corner (Chinese - Burmese border) .  It is like a huge Umbrella or firm and high walls of an impregnable fort , protecting Bharat .  It stops the Cold waves from north and thus saves Bharat from extreme , bitter and snowy cold .  It stops the Monsoon winds from South West and redirests the same towards Eastern parts of Bharat and thus assists in regular and sufficient monsoon all over Bharat .  It is the origin of major perennial rivers in Bharat and hence is the cause of plentiful water resources and resultant plenteous food production .  Thus the Himalaya is crucial factor in protection from aggressors , in balanced Climatic conditions , good rains and abundance in food and other products from the fertile land .

Himalaya is the reason for establishment of temples in almost every hill and mountain in Bharat .  Thus it contributes towards healthy living of Hindus by offering benefits of mountaineering in the guise of Devotion and worship .

Himalaya is the Abode of Shri Shiva .  Nay .  Himalaya is Shiva personified .  Himalaya also houses great temples of Shri Vishnu , Shakti Sthalas of the Mother and many other Divine centers .  Himalaya rooted deeply and firmly in Hindu minds is the cause for looking at every hill as Shiva Himself and Pradakshina (walking around the Hill) by thousands .  Himalaya has inspired God - centred living by the Hindus .

In Tamil language , there is a popular phrase which means , "The Ghat is luring you" .  The ghat is taken to mean the Cremation ground and this phrase is used for indicating advancing age .  But , in reality , Ghat is mountain vally .  This phrase , in fact , represents the intense and subtle desire or dream rooted deep in Hindu hearts , the desire to snap the bonds of worldly life , grow beyond attachments , likes and dislikes , develop Vairagya and reach the Himalaya .  This dream has been nourished and kept alive in Hindu Hearts for thousands of years , from generation to generation .  The desire may not get fulfilled but dream is cherished , nevertheless .Right from the days of Aadi Shankara , almost 2,500 years back to Swami Chinmayanand and Swami Dayanand in recent times , this dream has lived , has been attempted towards fulfillment .  For all those who start the journey , Himalaya is the destination .  But , many may end up at local mountains and hills .  These are seen as miniature Himalaya .  Thus Himalaya has been instrumental in kindling Spiritual aspiration in Hindu hearts .

Only those who have personally experienced the Himalayas , can grasp the Grandeur , Serenity , Divinity , Spiritual inspiration of the Himalayas .

Sthaavaraanaam Himaalayah .. Among the immobile objects , I am the Himaalayas ... says Shri Krishna .


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