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स्वस्तीस्त्यक्त्वा महर्षी:  ... (अध्याय ११ - श्लोक २१)
ஸ்வஸ்தீத்யுக்த்வா மஹர்ஷீஹி ... (அத்யாயம் 11 - ஶ்லோகம் 21)
Swasteestyuktvaa Maharsheeh ... (Chapter 11 - Shlokam 21)

Meaning :  The Maharshees are repeating the Swasti Vachan .. May everything be Good and Auspicious ..

Look at the description provided by Arjuna ..  Humans are helpless and are being drawn into the widely opened mouth of Paramaatman and are being grounded by His huge Jaws ..  The Gods are afraid and are praying to the Lord with folded hands ..  There is third catagory , the Maharishees ..  They are Joyously singing Holy Hymns (Swasti Vachanam) and praising the Paramaatman ..

Rishee and Maharishee are unique to Bharat ..  They are the Glorious ancestors of Hindus a matter of pride for the Hindus .. (While the westerners talk of their ancestord being monkeys .. Hindus talk of our ancestral lineage from Rishees and Maharishees)  Rishees and Maharishees are greatest among humans ..  They are majestic Peaks for Gyana (Knowledge and Wisdom) .  They are firm pillars of Dharma ..  They are Epitome of Tapas , rigorous discipline and dedication .. They are exemplary gems of Virtues and Character  ..  Absence of selfish interests , ignorance and being adorned with impeccable character , they were naturally Fearless ..  They could stand erect and fearlessly express their opinion in any court of Kings and emperors ..  They were respected and theri opinions too were respected by Kings ..  This enormous power was never allowed by them to sit on their heads and lead to arrogance ..

Maharishees were not Sannyaasis ..  They were family men ..  Their names were always taken along with the names of their wives ..  Vasishta - Arundhati , Gauthama - Ahalya , Atri - Anasooya , Agastya - Lopamudra .. Their wives too were great personalities ..

They gave us Hindus our Gotra , and we proudly associate ourselves with them as Initiators of our Clan ..  We offer Tarpanam (water with Sesame seeds ) for Rishees along with our own ancestors ..

The Rishees and Maharishees were responsible for the Dharma - Centered living by Hindus ..  They laid solid foundation for Dharma in Bharat ..  The credit for thirst for Gyaana (Knowledge ) in Hindus .. and the uninterrupted and continuous traditions of Gyana in Bharat goes wholly to the lakhs of Rishees and Maharishees who lived and moved around on this land ..

Rishees and Maharishees lived long ago ..  May be a few thousands of years back ..  The impact of their glorious lives continues till date ..  The fact that Bharat remains Bharat ..  that Bharat has not changed , has not been trampled inspite of powerful storms of Islamic aggression , Christian onslaughts for conversion , westernization in the garb of modernization ..  is wholly due to the inspiring lives lived by Rishees and Maharishees .. (Shree Paramaacharya of Shree Kanch Matt used to say in this context ...  Our ancestors have pedalled a lot .. The cycle runs even now , solely due to their hectic pedalling ..  But , this will not continue for ever ..  We have to pedal the cycle so that we may hand over a running cycle to the future generations )   Yes ..  Bharat must once again produce Rishees and Maharishees in thousands ..   Gyaan , Dharma , Character , and Tapas should once again regain glorious hights ..  The Light of this glory must reach the whole of world .  The world must be rid of darkness like Ignorance , mindlessness , demoniac tendencies , etc ..


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