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नरलोकवीरा विशन्ति तवामि वक्त्राण्यभिविज्वलन्ति  ... (अध्याय ११ - श्लोक २८)
நரலோகவீரா விஶந்தி தவாமி வக்த்ராணி அபிவிஜ்ஜ்வலந்தி ... (அத்யாயம் 11 - ஶ்லோகம் 28)
NaraLokaVeeraa Vishanti Tavaami Vaktraani Abhibijjwalanthi  ..  (Chapter 11 - Shlokam 28)

Meaning :  All the warriors are entering Thy huge fiery mouths ..

This is a scene seen by Arjuna in the Viraat Darshan he was experiencing ..  Arjuna sees Bheeshma , Drona , Karna and all the warriors in the battle field rushing into the huge fiery mouth of the Paramaatman , getting crushed by the huge jaws ..

Is the life on earth only a travel towards death ??  Yes ..  No doubt about that ..  The journey towards death starts the very moment one is born ..  We do not cherish this ..  It seems very harsh ..  But , truth never bothers about your likes and dislikes ..  It just reveals ..  You may turn your eyes to some other more pleasant direction ..  Mind you , even then , the conveyor belt carrying you and moving towards your death will not stop moving ..

Just as rivers run towards the sea , merge into the sea and get lost ..  says Arjuna ..  Just as insects attracted by the flame , rush towards the same , fall into it and are destroyed ..  the warriors are drawn towards your mouth , rush into it and get powdered by the huge jaws ..  A mosquito appears , flies towards a human hand , sits on it for a second and is then crushed to death by his another hand ..  It comes and sits only to face death ..  But , in that fraction of a second just before death , it sucks a drop of blood ..  That is the Life for the mosquito ..  That is the Life - time achievement for the mosquito ..  That is a second for a mosquito , a few years for a human ..  Other wise , there is not much of a difference .. 

Is Paramaatman a Machine .. without any emotion ??  No ..  May be has His own emotions ..  He may like a human with great qualities ..  May be He adores a Human , who endeavours for well being of the world and all its life ..  But ..  that is a hyge But ..  But , even the Paramaatman , the Lord of the Universe , does not have power to issue a "No-Death" declaration for any life , however great its qualities be , however holy and unselfish its actions be ..  Anything that is born has to die ..  Anything that dies has to be born again ..  This is Law of Nature , implemented rigorously and mechanically (ruthlessly ??)  ..  There is no scope for emotions in this ...

Arjuna says .. "Everyone is rushing into Your wide open mouth to get crushed between the jaws "  An interesting observation is that Arjuna does not see himself there ..  Man can never see his own death ..  He can never visualize or realize his own death ..  If he regards self as gross physical body . he is plunged deep in sensual pleasures , he can not accept a preposition wherein the pleasures are denied to him and he is aware that death causes total stoppage of all pleasures - seeking and experiencing ..  Hence , he refuses to see death ..  At subtler level , a man in real is the Atman , not the physical body ..  The subtlest Atman is a speck of the Paramaatman , who is Eternal and hence the Atman too is beyond death and destruction ..  This is absolute truth , embedded deeply and strongly in him , whether one accepts or not .. whether one is aware of it or not ..  That is why a man can never ever see his own death as he knows of his eternity in his sub-conscious mind ..


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