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निमित्त मात्रं भव  ...  (अध्याय ११ - श्लोक ३३)
நிமித்த மாத்ரம் பவ  ... (அத்யாயம் 11 - ஶ்லோகம் 33)
Nimitta Maatram Bhava  ...  (Chapter 11 - Shlokam 33)

Meaning :  Become an Instrument  ...

That Shri Krishna calls Arjuna by his one name 'SavyaSachin" while asking him to be an instrument is significant ..  SavyaSachin is one who is equally conversant in use of his left hand as his right ..  Equally efficient with both hands .. Arjuna was one , He was as skilled an archer with his right hand as with his left ..  Hand is an instrument for man ..  Are our hands efficient instruments ?  Are our both hands equally efficient ??  The general observation is that the left is not as efficient as right ..  Even the right hand is good at usual , routine works , but fails to accomplish special tasks during an emergency situation ..

The instrument does not have plan and programme of its own ..  It has to merely surrender itself in user's hands ..  Plan is His ..  Programme is His ..  He uses the Instrument as per His own plan ..

Is Man a mere instrument ??  Does he not have anything in his hands ??  There are two extreme views in this regard ..  Everything is pre-determined ..  Everything is pre-destined ..  Man can at best offer himself to this ..  The other view is that man is capable of anything ..  He can achieve anything that he wishes , he thinks , he resolves to do ..  There is nothing impossible for him ..

Both these views condemn each other , each accusing the other view of being reason for many ills and defects found in the society ..  The ones adhering to the first view feel that increase in rat race inspired by selfishness , cruel and merciless competition , mental stress and resultant psycho-somatic diseases , are all caused by the opposite view ..  (the view that Man has to build his own future ..)  On the other hand , the ones holding on to this view accuse the other view of being the cause for laziness , absence of initiative , unwillingness to perspire for self - development , lack of aspiration to excel etc . 

Both the views are part truths ..  It is true that uncertainty in life , the demands of building up one's own future , doubts about own efforts and effeciency , bitterness in competition are factors which may cause tension and anxiety ..  The speedy run in persual of a secure life may snap off relationships and hence cut off reliable source of emotional and financial assistance ..  There may be plenty in material wealth , but happiness may be elusive ..

Holders of the other view are definite to enjoy peaceful and satisfied life ..  But , laziness , poverty , lack of initiative for improvement , absenceof material progress may be prevalent ..

But , here the Lord Himself is suggesting to Arjuna to regard self as instrument ..  He also gives a call to Arjuna to "Rise with a resolve to Fight !!  (Uttishtatu Kaunteya !  Yuddhaaya Kruta Nishchaya !!)  That clearly indicates that , "We have to Work ..  Simultaneously , regard self as Instrument too ..  Regarding self as mere instrument does not mean Inaction ..  Act .. Act effeciently ..  Put in efforts with total dedication ..  Work with total involvement ..  But , Act with a firm conviction that it is His Plan ..  Act with a firm conviction that the results will be as per His wish ..  Act with a firm resolve that I am mere instrument in His Hands ..


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