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सर्वत्र समबुद्धयः  ...  (अध्याय १२ - श्लोक ४)
ஸர்வத்ர ஸம புத்தயஹ  ... (அத்யாயம் 12 - ஶ்லோகம் 4)
Sarvatra Sama Buddhayah ...  (Chapter 12 - Shlokam 4)

Meaning :  Equi - poise in everything ...

Sarvatra Sama Buddhayah ...  Equi poise .. Equilibrium in attitude towards all persons , at all places , in every situation , under every experience is Sama Buddhi ..  This is a precondition in Nirguna Niraakaara Upaasanaa ..  worship of Parabrahma Paramaatman ..

This has already been discussed under the name 'Sthita Pragyaa' in second chapter ..  It was discussed again in the sixth chapter ..  Now , this has emerged again here ..  Contexts are different ..  Underlying idea is same ..  Gita is a conversation and such a repetition is not unexpected ..

Sama Buddhi ... To retain equi-poise at all places , in every circumstance and with every person ...  Sama Buddhi at all places in own house , in own village , in a city , in a foreign country , in a plane , on a bullock cart , in a crowded bus , on a prestigious stage , in a crowd , in front of a camera ..  Sama Buddhi in every circumstance ..  when being welcomed , opposed , heckled , ignored , in anonymity , on a hot hot day , in freezing cold , amidst mosquitoes , in an Air conditioned room , in scarcity , in plenty ..  Sama Buddhi in different experiences like victory , defeat , honour , insult , profit , loss , pain , pleasure , comfort , discomfort , acceptance , rejection ..  Sama Buddhi with all persons .. friend , foe , one who loves , one who hates , one who helps , one who puts obstacles , one who supports , one who opposes , one who listens , one who ignores , good natured , rough natured , respectable , vicious , common man , reputed , woman , beautiful woman , ugly ..

Same attitude , Same response , ..  no disturbance in mind , that is Sama Buddhi ..  The previous paragraph lists every opportunity wherein such disturbance is possible ..

Is Sarvatra Sama Buddhi an inert state ?  A stone like state of no-emotion ?  On the obvious exterior , it seems to be so ..  But , inert state is natural ..  It does not have potential to be disturbed ..  It is a non - emotional Sama Buddhi is a state wherein disturbance is possible but does not occur ..  aggressive response is possible but does not occur ..  There is perception but no reaction ...

The obstacles on the path of Sama Buddhi are Manas and Ahankaram ..  Manas experiences ..  Manas evaluates and grades ..  Manas differentiates 'favourable' from 'unfavourable'  .  Manas likes and hates ..  Mano Nasham or elimination of Manas is the state which may establish Sama Buddhi ..

Ahankaram or 'I' stands erect ..  It sees 'I' the self as different from Cosmic Me ..  It sees self as 'Unique' ..  Sama Buddhi is possible if Ahankaram dissolves ..  Sama Buddhi is possible if Ahankaram is surrendered ..

Sarvatra Sama Buddhi is attained quite easily for some ..  It comes with birth for a rare few ..  Jata Bharathan , Shuka Muni , Shree Ramana Maharshee and such appear on this planet once in a millennium ..  This is not something that could be attained through efforts   That is why Shri Krishna says , "Worship of the Nirguna Niraakaara is very complex and difficult" ..


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