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ऋषिभिः बहुधा गीतं छन्दोभिः विविधैः पृथक ।  ब्रह्म सूत्र पदैश्चैव ।।  (अध्याय १३ - श्लोक ४)
ர்ஷீபிஹ் பஹுதா கீதம் ..  சந்தோபிஹ் விவிதைஹ் ப்ருதக் ..  ப்ரஹ்ம ஸூத்ர பதைஶ்சைவ ..  (அத்யாயம் 13 - ஶ்லோகம் 4)
RshiBhi: Bahudhaa Geetam ,  Chandobhi: Vividhai: Pruthak ...  BrahmaSootra Padaishchaiva ..  (Chapter 13 - Shloka 4)

Meaning :  It has been elaborately told by the Rishees ..  It has been explained in detail in various ways in the Vedas ..  The Brahma Sootra also talked about it ..

This phrase reveals one more aspect of Shri Krishna's personality ..  When a great thought or a grand idea is expressed , common man tends to ignore the thought and praise the giver of the thought ..  When he reads a good poem , he tends to leave aside the poem and spend time in knowing about the poet ..  When he listens to a thought provoking speech or a soul stirring music through radio , instead of getting engrossed and enjoying the speech (or music) , he tends to discuss about the speaker (or the singer) ..  This is unnecessary but can be pardoned as a silly trait ..  At least , he is not jealous and wishes to praise another person ..  But , if the poet , the singer , the writer , the speaker indulge in self-glorification ??

Laws like copyright , patent etc . and tendency to monetize anything and everything have aggravated this trend further ..  Any one writes a book and says , "this is mine .."  "I have discovered and revealed these ideas .."  and tries to establish ownership ..  There are modern day Maharajs who base every bit of their talks on Vedas and Upanishads , but talk as if they themselves have churned out out these ideas ..  They never acknowledge that these have already been spoken by our wise ancestors ..  There was one such Maharaj in Tamil Nadu .  His disciples used to glorify his speeches and expected him to be awarded with Nobel Prize ..  There is one Shri Shri Shri ... who trains breathing practices and has patented the same ..  He earns in crores ..  I don't know how and what will he pay to Shri Patanjali for all his discoveries in Pranayama ..  Recently , there was a controversy involving music director Ilayaraja and cine singer S P Balasubramanian ..  Shri Ilayaraja directed SPB not to sing songs set to tunes by him ..  The seven notes Sa Ri Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni , arrangement of these notes into hundreds of Raga , creation of various Tala (rhythms ..) have been done by unknown ancestors and have created a perfect base for Ilayaraja and all the music directors ..  What patent rights will Ilayaraja pay to these original creators ??  Shri Shiv Khera was a motivation speaker ..  He used to tell stories from Jataka tales , Panchatantra tales , Bodhi Sattva tales in his talks for which he was heavily paid ..  "You Can Win" was a book written by him and he had these stories included in the book .. This copyrighted book sold in millions ..  Unfortunately , never once does he acknowledge that there is nothing original in his talks and all these ideas have been expressed by our great ancestors ..

Our tradition has been to the contrary ..  They built beautiful and majestic temples .. not a stone on the temple carries name of the builder or financier or the architect ..  They wrote elaborate Shastras on various fields of science , commerce , administration etc .. but you can not find the names of the authors in them ..  Timeless and precious wisdom is revealed in the Vedas and Upanishads ..  Again the composers remain anonymous ..  Ramayana , the story of Shri Ram , which has inspired million hearts across generations was written by Shri Valmiki ..  But he does not claim so .. He says , this story was told by Brahma to KakaBhrushundi , who told Narada and Narada told the story to Valmiki ..  Valmiki does not try to gain fame and self glory ..  Shri Krishna also reveals this great tradition here and in other places in the Gita when He says , "It has been elaborately told by the Rishees ..  It has been explained in detail in various ways in the Vedas ..  The Brahma Sootra also talked about it."  What He wishes to convey is , "No !  This has been spoken in many contexts by our ancestors ..  Don't try to praise Me .. I have not said anything new ..  Don't look at Me .. Look at the Idea .. Take the Idea .. Do not adore Me .."  He tries His best to help anchor the focus of Arjuna on the Idea rather than on Self ..

Great .. Excellent .. I salute thee Oh Krishna Vasudeva .. I bow to you a hundred times ..


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