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जन्म मृत्यु जरा व्याधि दुःख दोषानुदर्शनम् ।।  (अध्याय १३ - श्लोक ८)
ஜன்ம ம்ருத்யு ஜரா வியாதி து:க தோஷாநுதர்ஶனம் .. (அத்யாயம் 13 - ஶ்லோகம் 8)
Janma Mrutyu Jaraa Vyaadhi Duhkha DoshaanuDarshanam ..  (Chapter 13 - Shloka 8)

Meaning :  To think of misery and defects in birth , death , old age and disease again and again ..

To think of misery and defects in Birth , Death , Old age and disease ..

Birth is miserable ..  The months in mother's womb .. hanging inverted , immersed in water , surrounded by suffocating smell ..  Miserable to the mother too ..  Extreme pain and risk of death to the mother while delivering the child .. 

Death is miserable too ..  Apart from the body pain while dying , pain of leaving all those collected so passionately , wife and children , house , bank balance , assets , vehicle , posts and positions , reputation , public influence , etc ..

Jara or old age is miserable too  ..  The greatest misery is shattered arrogance , arrogance of 'self reliance' , arrogance of the belief - 'I can do it myself ' ..  The limbs turn ineffective ,.. senses fail .. One has to rely on others even for basic actions like walking , eating , etc ..  With loved ones running around chasing worldly gains , a feeling that "I am not wanted .." may set in .. That adds to already miserable old age ..

Vyadhi or disease is similar to old age ..  Having to rely on others for simple deeds is the worst misery ..  Increased distance from near and dear ones is a misery too ..

Man usually spends his life in intoxicated state of wishful thinking ..  He never realizes that the experiences of others around him may fall on himself too ..  He sees persons dying around him , but never once does he remind self that he too in exit line ..  One of the questions of Yaksha in Mahabharata was .. "Which is the biggest surprise , according to you ?"  "Man sees others dying .. but continues in life as though he himself is exempted from death .."  Yudhishthira replied ..  Similarly , he visits the diseased and the old ..  He pities on him , expresses his compassion for them through small acts of help , but never feels that , "I too am ageing with ticking of clock and tearing of daily sheets in the calendar .."  "I too may be carrying a disease in my body , not yet revealed .."

There is an anecdote in Shri Kabir's life ..  One of neighbours wanted to know the secret of happiness ..  "I am always in misery ..  with flashes of happiness once in a while ..  You always look happy ..  Can you share the secret with me ?"  Shri Kabir looked at him with a visible worry in his face ..  "Why do you look worried ?  Is there any bad news ?" the neighbour asked in a frightened tone ..  "You should have come to me earlier .. Now , even if I share the secret , you may not be able to put that into action .." replied Shri Kabir .. "Why ?  I'll try my best .." said the neighbour ..  "No .. Not that .. You are running short of time .  You have only one week of your life left .." said Shri Kabir ..  The neighbour was shell shocked , fell into silence and walked away ..  He came to Shri Kabir's house after a week ..  "How was the week ?" asked Shri Kabir .. "I was frightened to the core .. but got over fear in two days .. I accepted imminent death as a fact in life .. Then I wanted to be good .. returned to all those what I owed them .. went out of my way to be of use to others ..  Thought of death loomed in my mind every minute ..  I am more peaceful and happier now .. As you said , I should have come to you earlier .."  "You are right ..  You may not die ..  but death is certain to come to you any moment on any day ..  May the vision of death remain in your thoughts ..  That is the secret of happiness .." said Shri Kabir ..

Remembering death or disease is not a negative attitude ..  On the other hand , denying these facts may be negative ..  Darshan or vision of old age , disease and death , again and again tunes in contentment and Joy in mind as mind gets purified ..  A purer mind is a sure abode of God ..


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