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असक्तिः अनभिष्वङ्गः पुत्र दार गृहादिषु ।।  (अध्याय १३ - श्लोक ९)
அஸக்திஹ் அனபிஷ்வங்கஹ் புத்ர தார க்ருஹாதிஷு ..  (அத்யாயம் 13 - ஶ்லோகம் 9)
Asaktih Anabhshvangah Putra Daara Gruhaadhishu ..  (Chapter 13 - Shloka 9)

Meaning :  Not to be passionately attached to wife , child and house ..

The sense of 'mine' attaches or binds us to anyone or anything .. Here , Shri Krishna mentions three things , closest to man and most probable three with which he feels most intense 'mine' feeling ..  children , wife and house ..  the though "He is my creation .." is the cause of 'Mine' attachment with children ..  Act of marriage and physical and emotional relationship causes the attachment with wife ..  "I have built this with my money and my plans , for comfortable stay of me and my loved ones .."  is the thought that causes 'mine' feeling towards house ..

Is this feeling of 'mine' OK ..?  Do these become 'mine' ever ??  Do I really own them as I feel ?  Wife is daughter to one ..  She is mother to someone else ..  She is sister to another ..  I she "mine" ?  No ..  This explains in worldly , physical terms ..  At Spiritual level , every life is a Speck of Paramaatman .., a drop in the Ocean called Paramaatman or the Creator ..  If at all , wife become His, Paramaatman's , never mine ..  The Life relates and builds up various relationships in worldly life .. only for worldly living ..  In the fourth chapter , Shri Krishna says , "I have taken so many births into this world and so have you too .."  Shreemad Bhagawat carries a chapter on conversation between Kapila - Devahoothi wherein Shri Kapila says , "I have come here (into this world) so many times , through so many mothers ..  This time , I have come through you .."  Similarly , wife too should have taken so many births and must have been wife to many in those births ..  We Hindus have occasions like Mangala Gowri , Kaaradaiyaan Vratham etc . on which wives fast and pray to be blessed with the same husband in the next seven births ..  Jeevaatmaa , according to its own Vasanas (aspirations etc .) looks for and gets a body to enter the world and and lead a worldly life ..  It builds up various relationships in this world ..  These are only for the world and in the world ..  The Aatman is beyond these relationships ..

Are Children 'mine' ?  There was a Persian Sadhu , Shri Khaleel Jibraan ..  (Persia was the name of the Nation that worshipped Sun and the Fire , that existed before it was brutally converted to Islam and renamed as Iran ..)  Listen to what he says on Parent - child relationship ..  "Parent - Child relationship is like that of a Bow - Arrow ..  Arrow has its own destination and a path to reach the same ..  The bow can not and should not regard the arrow as 'mine' and bind it to self ..  It has prepare itself and the arrow too , to tread its path and reach its destination ..  Basically the Truth is that both the Arrow and the bow are in the hands of another person and have to dance to his wish and plan ..

Is the house 'mine' ?  It was someone else's yesterday ..  It is mine today and it will be someone else's tomorrow ..  If the house could talk , it would say to this 'owner' who roams around flaunting 'mine' 'mine' board , "See !  One more lunatic has come ..  Fifty years back , there was another who used to claim me as 'mine' 'mine' and now is lost with his body cremated and ashes immersed in the rivers .."

There is a difference between Love and Attachment caused by 'mine' feeling ..  Love carries well being of the loved one ..  Attachment carries expectations for self from the loved one ..  Love never binds ..  Attachments binds ..  Love says "You" ..  Attachment says "Me" ..  "Do as I say .." ; "You'll realize my worth only when I go away .."  such and other words are born out of attachment ..  not out of love ..  We must love our wife and children not possess and get bound ..  The house needs our attention , not attachment ..


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