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मनः षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ..  (अध्याय १५ - श्लोक ७)
மனஹ ஷஷ்டாநீந்த்ரியாணி ப்ரக்ருதிஸ்தானி கர்ஷதி ..  (அத்யாயம் 15 - ஶ்லோகம் 7)
Manah Shashtaaneendriyaani Prakrutisthaani Karshati ..  (Chapter 15 - Shlokam 7)

MEANING :  The lives get attracted and get entangled in the world through five senses and mind , the sixth sense , based on Prakruti ..

If the Jeeva or Life is quintessential speck of the Paramaatman , an infinitesimal part of the Paramaatman , then should not Divinity be its Natural state ??  Why does the Jeeva fall from its Divine status ??  Why is it allured by and get engrossed in sensual , material world ??  Shri Krishna says that , "the senses and the mind are rooted in Prakruti ..  These get attracted to the allurements in the world and get engrossed ..  In effect , these pull down the Jeeva from its Divine pedestal and drag it the materialistic world ..

The man with a physical body in this world has five sense organs , called Gyaanendriya or "Organs for Knowledge" ..  These five organs help the man in knowing the world ..  These bring in information and experiences about various objects , situations and lives in the world ..  The eyes , for instance bring information on colours , shapes , sizes etc .  The ears are instruments for knowing the world of sounds ..  The nose helps in knowing smells ..  The tongue takes care of knowledge on tastes and the skin the sense of touch ..  It should be impossible for man to know about the world and objects therein without these sense organs ..

These sense organs are mere instruments ..  These do not have own likes and dislikes ..  The eyes , for example , bring in the sight as it is , without censorship or exaggeration or distortion ..  and send the same to Buddhi for analysis and suitable action ..  Nay ..  It would be wrong to say that the eyes 'bring' in the scene ..  Eyes are mere holes , without any power to restrict or increase scenes of the world ..  The images merely enter the eyes and reach the Brain through optic nerve ..  The other four sense organs are also similar ..  Hence , it may be said that the sense organs are not at fault ..

The mind is the sixth sense organ ..  Problem arises only when the mind joins hand with the sense organs ..  The mind is storehouse of 'likes and dislikes' 'interest and disinterest' ..  The mind thrusts its own interests , likes , disinterests and dislikes on the sense organs and drives those to go for interactions with favourable and liked objects and avoid interactions with disliked ones ..  This way , the five sense organs get allured to the world ..  The senses and mind , though subtle , are rooted in Prakruti like the gross body ..  Hence , it is but natural for the sense organs and the mind to be interested in objects in the world ..  But , the Jeeva , which identifies itself with the mind and the sense organs is dragged too into the materialistic world and gets entrapped in the sensual objects ..  In the process ,it forgets its Divine status and remains engaged with materials ..  This is the worry expressed by Shri Krishna in this phrase ..


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