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पचामि अन्नं चतुर्विधम् ..  (अध्याय १५ - श्लोक १४)
பசாமி அன்னம் சதுர் விதம் ..  (அத்யாயம் 15 - ஶ்லோகம் 14)
Pachaami Annam ChaturVidham ..  (Chapter 15 - Shlokam 14)

MEANING :  I digest the four types of food ..

There are four types of food ..  The solid food , chewed and eaten ..  cooked rice , bread , roti , cooked vegetables , sweets like laadoo etc ..  The fluid food ..  food varieties which are drunk and gulped ..  water , milk , butter milk , juices , Tea etc ..  The third type is the one which is sucked and taken in ..  Kheer , pulp of fruits like mango , Yoghurt , etc .  The fourth type consists of those which have to be licked and consumed .. the pickles , ice-cream , honey , ghee , etc ..  Our food is wholesome with all these four types of food ..

The daily food must contain all these four types of food to be wholesome ..  It must contain all the six tastes ..  It must be colourful ..  It must be freshly cooked and not stale and fermented ..  It must be warm ..  It should be served with love and be eaten with relish , joy and silence ..  The Hindu texts do not regard food as mere need for the physical body ..  It is an art ..  Cooking is one of the sixty four arts listed in Hindu scriptures ..  It is a builder of emotional bindings among humans ..  within a family and outside too at social level ..  It is Dharmik too ..  Sharing of food with fellow humans and even with other types of Life , is expected ..  It is economics too ..  It is expected that one consumes food made from things produced in neighbourhood ..  Finally , it is a need , physical need to satiate hunger of the body ..

The food should generate satisfaction and Joy in mind ..  The food should be cooked with dedication and focussed mind ..  It should be cooked and served with love and affection ..  It should be consumed with joy and love ..  joy of the taste and love for the maker of food ..

The digestion of food is a brilliant work in Nature ..  There are many organs which are part of this grand process ..  The mouth , the teeth , the tongue , the throat , the stomach , bile , gall bladder , pancreas , the intestines and many glands and lakhs of cells ..  Most of these are in abdominal area ..  These are activated when food is being consumed ..  Hence , higher supply of blood in this area is essential for better functioning of these parts ..  The best postures for eating are squatting or Sukhasana (wherein the legs are folded and feet placed over thigh of the other leg ..)  This will reduce blood supply to the legs and increase the same in abdominal area ..  It is an atrocity on the body to eat standing or seated on a chair with legs hanging ..

The various nerves , glands associated with digestion become active only when the mind thinks of food ..  For instance , the moment you think of tamarind , the saliva glands become active and start secreting saliva ..  Hence , it is essential to be silent and relish taste of the food while eating , so that these subtle organs function more efficiently ..

The food is not just material ..  It is a Life and source of Life ..  The various cells in our body , blood cells , bone cells , muscle tissues , skin cell , the marrow , etc . are formed out of the food we eat ..  That is materialistic effect of food ..  The same food is cause for more efficient and sharper sense organs , sharper brain , more sensitive mind , qualities , etc ..  These are subtler effects of food ..

The Veda goes further and declares , "Annam Brahmam" ..  Food is Shri Paramaatman in form says the Veda ..

The digestion of food is not just mechanical act by various parts in our digestive system ..  but an act of Shri Paramaatman ..  The various organs in digestive system are not eternal ..  nor are their potential permanent ..  These are mere inert parts of an inert body , which again is constituted by inert elements of Nature ..  These parts derive their potential from the Paramaatman ..  or His infinitesimal part , the Aatman in the body ..  These parts exhibit their potential only so long as the Aatman resides in the body and turn inert and dead once the Aatman leaves the body ..  Thus , it won't be wrong to say that the action of Digesting various types of food is done by the Paramaatman Himself ..


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