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आहारा राजसस्येष्टा  ..  (अध्याय १७ - श्लोक ८)
ஆஹாரா ராஜஸஸ்யேஷ்டா ..  (அத்யாயம் 17 - ஶ்லோகம் 9)
Aahaaraa Raajasasyeshtaa ..  (Chapter 17 - Shlokam 9)

Meaning :  These types of food are liked by Rajasik person ..

Shri Krishna does not mention types of foods while mentioning the foods liked by Raajasi ..  He merely lists the various tastes liked by Raajasi ..  He also mentions the effects of these foods on body of those who consume these ..

Bitter foods , sour tastes (Katvamla) ..  Salty foods , boiling foods (Lavanaatyushna) ..  Excessively 'hot and spicy foods , oil fried and roasted foods which cause dryness and stimulate thirst (Teekshna Ruksha Vidaahinah) ..  such are the foods liked and sought by Raajasi , persons with Rajo Guna , according to Shri Krishna ..

Raajasi is in ever - excited state ..  He desires to tightly engaged in works , hectic works ..  He roams around with excessively boosted ego or 'me - mine' feeling ..  Eating is also an excited activity for him ..  He is never excited by mild tastes ..  He usually prefers excessive tastes , excessively bitter , excessively sour , excessively salty ,  excessively hot and spicy , steaming hot , oil fried and dry roasted foods ..  He sweats , he 'oofs and aahs' , he lets out water through nose and mouth , drinks water , yet continues to gobble foods with excessive tastes ..  Eating is a hectic activity for a Raajasi ..

Shri Krishna also mentions effects of these types of foods on the eater's body ..  He says , "such foods are Duhkha Shokaamaya Pradaa" ..  Duhkha is pain and sufferings ..  Shoka is grief ..  Aamaya is disease ..  Such foods generate diseases and hence pain and sufferings in the body and grief / sorrow in the mind ..  Usually , men affected by diseases like ulcers , sleeplessness , cardiac problems , kidney failures and many other diseases are advised to stay away from these types of foods ..  They are given foods with mild tastes , foods in normal temperatures , foods cooked in steam .. especially during their recovery phase ..  These types of foods are regarded better for health ..


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Chapter X (19 - 42)

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