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तं यज्ञं राजसम्  ..  (अध्याय १७ - श्लोक १२)
தம் யக்ஞம் ராஜஸம்  ..  (அத்யாயம் 17 - ஶ்லோகம் 12)
Tham Yagyam Raajasam ..  (Chapter 17 - Shlokam 12)

Meaning :  This sacrifice is Raajasik ..

Rajasam dominant person is in the mode of passion ..  How are the characteristics of sacrifices conducted by such a person ..??  What are the traits exhibited under incitement of Rajasam ?

Shri Krishna mentions here two prominent traits ..  One ..  Expectation of fruits ..  Desire for fruits of the action is the motivation for the action ..  If there is feeble chance of getting desired fruits , chance of action being performed also becomes feeble ..  Two ..  Show off ..  Pomp and show ..  flaunting own affluence ..  Rajasa dominant person performs sacrifice with a view to show - off his capacity , status ,wealth etc ..  Self praise , Ego boosting attain prominence in the action ..

Huge cut - outs ...  and Flex banners .. projecting self ..  The projection of name and pictures of the organizer is more prominent than the cause for which sacrifice is being conducted ...  Rajasi or the person in mode of passion always carries a boosted ego , a bloated 'Me' ..  'Me' has to move into background and should become less prominent if the cause is to be more prominent ..  Dambha is presence of hugely grown 'Me' ..  Rajasi performs sacrifice for Dambha ..

The spirit of Yagya is sacrifice , as the name suggests ..  "Idam Na Mama" or 'this is not mine' 'this is Yours' ..  That is the basic Mantra in a sacrifice or Yagya ..  The purpose of Yagya is to generate this spirit ..  But , a Rajasi conducts sacrifice to get wealth , post or a child .. or to destroy his adversaries .

These variations in traits are mere variations ..  There is no high and low in these ..  These are mere natures ..  The Guna incites these traits ..  These variations are inevitable ..  These will always remain in the world ..


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Chapter X (19 - 42)

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