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तं यज्ञं तामसम्  ..  (अध्याय १७ - श्लोक १३)
தம் யக்ஞம் தாமஸம்  ..  (அத்யாயம் 17 - ஶ்லோகம் 13)
Tham Yagyam Taamasam ..  (Chapter 17 - Shlokam 13)

Meaning :  This sacrifice is Taamasik ..

Tamas or Tamo Guna is predominantly identified by 'Ignorance' .. Tamasi or Tamo - Gunee is a person in mode of ignorance ..

The actions by a Tamasi are marked by a few common traits ..  Naturally , sacrifices organized by a Tamo Guni also carry these very traits ..  Shri Krishna mentions a few in this context ..

Vidhi Heenam ..  Absence of formal regulations ..  Ignorance being underlying trait , a Tamasi does not know the regulations and guiding factors for the sacrifice being performed ..  He chooses to ignore suggestions , if any , as he does not know the significance of performing the sacrifice as per regulations ..  He prefers to perform the sacrifice as he wishes and not under guidance of Shastras or the relevant texts or the Shastris or the persons who know the texts ..

Asrushtaannam .. Without Annadaanam or even minimum distribution of Prasaadam ..  Anna Daanam , Feeding all those who attend the ritual is usually part of any Religious ritual , especially a Sacrifice ..  At least , a handful of Prasadam is distributed among the devotees as Divine Grace of God ..  Another trait of a Tamasi is laziness ..  He does not have the patience to prepare and distribute Prasadam and hence conducts the sacrifice without it ..

Manthra Heenam ..  Without proper Mantras ..  The ritual is conducted by Tamasi without chanting of proper Mantras ..  He is ignorant and is too lazy to organize the sacrifice in a proper way , involving the right persons ..  He goes with those who are ready to compromise procedures and requirements ..

Adakshinam ..  He refuses to offer the right Dakshina (the stipulated cash donation to the performers of the ritual ..)  Obstinacy is also a trait of Taamasi ..  This prevents him from recognizing the worth of those involved in conduction of the ritual ..  Hence , he refuses to pay them suitable ..  This is the reason for his refusal to involve right persons , those well versed in conduction of the ritual ..  He would rather bargain with and prefer to involve those ready to compromise on procedures and requirements and would complete the sacrifice at a lower cost ..

Shraddhaa Virahitham ..  Without Shraddhaa or conviction ..  The whole ritual would be conducted by Tamasi without an iota of Shraddha ..  Basically , he does not have Shraddha ..  He merely conducts and completes the ritual without even traces of Shraddha , without an objective and without any involvement ..


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